odd facts section

Wind Chill

For example, if the air temperature is 20 degrees and the wind speed is 25 mph, use the formula 20 - (25 x 0.7) to determine that the wind-chill temperature is 2.5 degrees. The actual wind-chill temperature calculated from National Weather Service tables is 3 degrees
Church/ Chapel/ Cathedral?

While a church is a building for Christian worship, a chapel is not intended to be a building; rather, it is a space set aside for prayer by individuals, and a cathedral is a church that is run by a bishop. The major factor differentiating a cathedral from a church or chapel is the presence of a bishop.
Church/ Chapel/ Cathedral?

While a church is a building for Christian worship, a chapel is not intended to be a building; rather, it is a space set aside for prayer by individuals, and a cathedral is a church that is run by a bishop. The major factor differentiating a cathedral from a church or chapel is the presence of a bishop.
Rather than three separate names they should call them just the one:-


There is not one magnitude above which damage will occur. It depends on other variables, such as the distance from the earthquake, what type of soil you are on, building construction, etc. That being said, damage does not usually occur until the earthquake magnitude reaches somewhere above 4 or 5
Tumbler Glass

In the 17th century, it was a cup with a rounded or pointed bottom. If you set it down without draining the contents, it would tumble over and spill your beverage. The word itself comes from tumble, first recorded in English in the early 14th century, from the Germanic word for acrobat
Artificial vanilla flavouring

Synthetic vanillin can come from wood pulp waste (though that's recently fallen out of favour) or coal tar, cow dung, secretions from a beaver's castor glands (located conveniently near its anus), clove oil, pine bark, or fermented bran.
Pelican Crossing

The name is derived from PELICON, a portmanteau of pedestrian light controlled. The term pelican crossing originated in the United Kingdom, Crown Dependencies and British Overseas Territories, but similar traffic control devices are in use throughout the world. The term is also used in the Republic of Ireland.
Right so I'm sat here abit tender trying to do this and no matter how many friggin times I try I still don't get it,
I'm sorry to hear that. Can you please provide more context or details about what you are trying to do? I'll do my best to assist you.
Lose a finger then make it come back without anyone spotting my fat f""k pinky is tucked behind for all to see
Lose a finger then make it come back without anyone spotting my fat f""k pinky is tucked behind for all to see
I'm sorry, but it is not possible to lose a finger and then make it come back. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you have lost a finger. In terms of hiding a tucked finger, you may want to consult with a medical professional for advice on how to properly support and treat the finger during the healing process.
I'm sorry, but it is not possible to lose a finger and then make it come back. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you have lost a finger. In terms of hiding a tucked finger, you may want to consult with a medical professional for advice on how to properly support and treat the finger during the healing process.
Excellent advise thank you