Zogre Problems

señor ding dong

Inactive User
Mar 12, 2005
Reaction score
I'm on a mission to test the various popular images, and I have just about gone through them all, but I am having some Zogre problems. The ones I downloaded from the download section are giving me a horrible pink/purple background, I can't get any channels, and the menus are sticky and sometimes unresponsive.

Has anyone else had this, and does anyone have a Zogre 2x they feel like sharing, and that's not from the download section? Presumably both versions in there are the same, just with different set-ups.

i put zg0re 2 in the downl;oads and it runs on my box no probs at all
Maybe its corrupted in the up load. Has anyone else had any problems with this
ive just the zogre image u posted no problems on my side. few glitches with transpoder n other stuff, thats all.
IANBBB said:
i put zg0re 2 in the downl;oads and it runs on my box no probs at all
Maybe its corrupted in the up load. Has anyone else had any problems with this
That's weird. I remember at least one poster mentioned he had the same problems and the purple screen of death.

I downloaded both versions from the download section twice, but they both act the same. I assume the other guy just posted the same version, but with a different set-up.
Zogre from download worked for me

Downloaded and flashed yesterday - just followed the instructions but I had to re-name the uploaded image for some reason?
Just changed the file name when I ran the update on the dbox and its GT8

Thanks again IANBBB 4 ur help
señor ding dong said:
That's weird. I remember at least one poster mentioned he had the same problems and the purple screen of death.

I downloaded both versions from the download section twice, but they both act the same. I assume the other guy just posted the same version, but with a different set-up.

Yes i have seen someone other than you say that in this forum but i too have used the image on a nokia box without any problems.
i have tried the zogre image on my nokia box, i get the purple/pink screen, cannot do anything with it
this is now getting to be a joke.... that IMG has been in the download section for a while now & works fine.... no one has posted that it only got one set of Ucodes 500 avia with the 600 aiva deleted that why ppl are haveing problems :puke:
I tested it on mine, it works, but I cannot FTP the bouquets and services file over? It says access denied? Why is this? How do I get them onto this image?
kept a copy of this a while ago it might help with your "read only" problem... but hijacking another person post with different problem is not fair. :Mad2:

Go into a telnet session and type "mount"

That lists the mounted partition. It also lists whether or not it is mounted read only , if it is then all you need to do is remount it, it will revert to read only when it is rebooted unless you alter teh mount options in /etc/fstab. That is a text file that you can edit.

All of this can be done from the remote if you don't have a telent session and you do have a lot of time on your hands I think.

/var # mount
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (ro)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type ramfs (rw) on /mnt/movies type nfs (rw,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft,udp,nolock,addr=

/var # mount /dev/root / -o remount,rw

/var # mount
/dev/root on / type jffs2 (rw)
none on /dev type devfs (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
tmpfs on /tmp type ramfs (rw) on /mnt/movies type nfs (rw,v3,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,soft,udp,nolock,addr=
/var #

Im sorry, but I dont think my post hijacked his thread? His thread is labelled "Zogre Problems", my post was a "Zogre Problem"
Just retested with the mount command, all partitions are appearing as (rw), but I still cannot ftp the files over..... :Kickassro