work experience = free workers for tesco's


Inactive User
May 7, 2005
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My 18 year old stepson who is unemployed has just been put on work experience.

They have put him in Tesco's working 10am till 7pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Monday.
He has to do this until 24th December.

It's not work experience it's indentured labour and we are paying out of our taxes while Tesco's get free workers.

This is a piss take no wonder he can't get a job, why should employers pay wages when they can get slaves off the dole to work while we pay out of our taxes and there are no jobs because everyone is getting freebies from the job centre ffs
He has only been signing on since September as 16 to 18 year olds can't sign on any more.
He can't get a job, why should they pay wages when they can get people that cost them nothing and have no legal rights.
He applied to this store within the last month and they said no work now he has to work for free they want him ???.
Our lot over here have changed its name, they now call it an Internship, 6 weeks training no pay, biggest user of this is Mc Donalds, now there is great training. Its a joke.
My daughter is 15 this year, i dread it when she gets out of school/college. I tried to talk to her recently on a number of occasions about a career, even offered some suggestions based on what she is good at or what we have discussed previously. I certainly don't want her out of work (not that i might have a choice) and from a purely bias opinion she is much too clever to be taking stupid jobs in KFC/McD's, or sitting at home claiming benefits when we already have one or two of those in the family (whom have absolutely no willingness to get off their arses because benefits are too good)

I'm not saying it was any more easier when i was in school back in the 80's, but Jesus it's hard work.
We get these workers at sainsburys aswell, they are told there could be a job in it for them at the end of it but I'm doubtful. If they want people to work for Their giro they should at least send them to a charity shop or small local businesses not big corporations who will take advantage. Just my 2pence.
i know someone who has got a job by going this route you never know Ellie i hope it works out for you :)
poundland is doing this round our way,

i think its shocking people can be forced to work for nothing.

ok i could see the point if they were putting people in positions where they were getting proper training,
but 12 weeks to learn how to stack fookin shelves????

i have been told as well that anyone refusing to do it, will not only lose their jobseekers allownace but also loose the help they get with rent and coiuncil tax too....

nice little earner for poundland right enough....

unlimited free or cheap labour.....
problem is , if you take someone on properly nowadays theres no easy way to get shot of them if you suddenly find out there not very good ? Jobs are for the jobsworthy it's harsh but fair I feel. when I did my YTS people were saying the same sort of thing.. at least i got a certificate lol and pride in myself for not sitting on my arse. each to their own i suppose .
Sorry guys but i don't see a problem with this, its still very very tough out there with nearly 3 million unemployed. There are hundreds of people going for each job that comes up, many never getting any replies for each job they apply for. He has already applied for a position a this store and got no where now he's being given that chance to prove him self and shine. Loads of stores say there creating positions for christmas, even if he applies for a job at another stores he can at least say that he is working for tesco doing ??? this will put him further up the line ahead of other people who have done nothing.
Sorry guys but i don't see a problem with this, its still very very tough out there with nearly 3 million unemployed. There are hundreds of people going for each job that comes up, many never getting any replies for each job they apply for. He has already applied for a position a this store and got no where now he's being given that chance to prove him self and shine. Loads of stores say there creating positions for christmas, even if he applies for a job at another stores he can at least say that he is working for tesco doing ??? this will put him further up the line ahead of other people who have done nothing.

A wouldn't normally get involved in a discussion like this as i am new to this site and still finding my way but i have been unemployed for 18 months and im pretty angry at the way the government handles unemployment.
A dont know your employment status mate but a can tell you that when you have worked all your life and never experienced being unemployed, the last thing you want is to be put into corporate slave labour, make no mistake, thats what it is.
These companies turn over millions in profit, this is simply another feather in the cap for business titans to bleed more out the common man!

A have no problem with people who want to volunteer for these schemes if they think it will help but why should they be enforced into doing it?
If you want me to work for your company then you pay me for my skills and commitment and in return il graft my arse off, if you enforce it and dangle a carrot promising a better chance of future employment then you are taking the piss..

I also done a YTS scheme when i left school and i learned new skills, mostly on how to roll a joint properly, how to spend my mum and dads high tax bill on paying wages to lazy instructors being paid to drink tea all day, i didn't have any sense of pride, i got the sense that the people at the top couldn't do their job properly in generating jobs but they also done a great job of passing the blame to us and branding us lazy and work shy.

That was back in the 80s under the last Tory government, that was when Thatcher wiped out all industry promising that the new retail future would be Britain's future.
Here we are now in 2011 and that retail future is getting free slave labour again..

I have sympathy for the original posters son, nobody gets motivated by enforcement, they get depressed as they realise that our country is on its arse through no fault of theirs..
Since i was made unemployed after a factory closure the social have done "nothing" to help me except treat me like a bit of shit, the government has done nothing except pass me from one state funded jobclub to the next who tell me nothing i don't a;ready know.
Maybe it would have been a better idea to use the millions wasted on these pointless schemes and put it into generating business..
A wouldn't have believed how bad it is if i hadn't lost my job, i even mumbled to myself that the unemployed were lazy, they are not lazy, they are confused at why they are being forced to work for nothing, would you do it?

A don't want to sound rude pal so please dont take my post the wrong way, i am just very angry at the shit end of the stick that guys like me and the OP's son are getting, most unemployed want to work, but not for nothing, that's called communism..
No offence taken mate. But just like you I was also on the yts in the late 80's but I used my time to learn office work and get a qualification. I was only paid 29.50 p/w, I went from employer to employer unit I found that first job. 22 years later I have been out of work only a couple of times including 3 months last year, but during those 3 months I worked 10 weeks temping, working in asda call centre and filming number plates for the government until I found full time employment. All I'm trying to say look at these as opportunities not forced labour.
Lets be honest here while there are foreigners coming over here getting all the jobs and working for peanuts can you honestly compete with that?. Your only chance is to work for free and get a qualification. Once you have passed your qualifications leave the country and start up business where you will be much more appreciated. This is no hope Britain and always will be with this government.
So your happy for your taxes to pay for a multi national, multi billion pound company so they get their xmas staff for nothing ?

They won't bother employing anybody when they can get people for free, As far as i'm concerned this negates the legal minimum wage laws.

I don't think you have considered the possible implications for future generations when this becomes the norm amongst companys.

And he has already been told there will not be a job at the end of it so whats the point in him proving himself and shining ?.

I can't believe that anybody would think it was ok for large profit making corporations to get their xmas cover in this way.

If he had been put into a small business that was struggling through the recession I would have understood but a company making profits like tesco should pay for their seasonal staff.

Maybe having indenture labour is the way forward Tesco posts record £3bn profit - Telegraph They are making sh!tloads of money and they wouldn't want to waste it on wages, tax, national insurance would they. Plus no legal rights as they are not employees.
So your happy for your taxes to pay for a multi national, multi billion pound company so they get their xmas staff for nothing ?

They won't bother employing anybody when they can get people for free, As far as i'm concerned this negates the legal minimum wage laws.

I don't think you have considered the possible implications for future generations when this becomes the norm amongst companys.

And he has already been told there will not be a job at the end of it so whats the point in him proving himself and shining ?.

I can't believe that anybody would think it was ok for large profit making corporations to get their xmas cover in this way.

If he had been put into a small business that was struggling through the recession I would have understood but a company making profits like tesco should pay for their seasonal staff.

Maybe having indenture labour is the way forward Tesco posts record £3bn profit - Telegraph They are making sh!tloads of money and they wouldn't want to waste it on wages, tax, national insurance would they. Plus no legal rights as they are not employees.

completely agree mate! :Clap:

these huge companys that take the piss left right and centre and if anything, should be FORCED to take these people on and pay them not take advantage of a scheme where they can save a few quid, because lets be honest, these companys are ran to bring in maximum profit as cheaply as they can! they tell the speople who ruin the scheme they'll employ anyone whos any good and maybe a few people will get a job from it but the rest will have to work the worst hours that the other staff try to avoid and in reality, theres no chance of a job, they'll be some feable excuse "oh, he wasnt quite good enough" and in ellies son's case, its even worse as he's been told theres no job at all!

it really saddens me :(
No offence taken mate. But just like you I was also on the yts in the late 80's but I used my time to learn office work and get a qualification. I was only paid 29.50 p/w, I went from employer to employer unit I found that first job. 22 years later I have been out of work only a couple of times including 3 months last year, but during those 3 months I worked 10 weeks temping, working in asda call centre and filming number plates for the government until I found full time employment. All I'm trying to say look at these as opportunities not forced labour.

Can't fault your attitude mate which has done your employment history proud.
Its the last part of not looking at it as forced labour, it is forced labour, do it or we stop your money, most people don't react well to threats as it usually provokes a negative reaction.
This and previous governments have ignored our younger generation for years and failed to tackle the social problems in Britain, instead they opted for the easy option, import cheap foreign labour and put our people on the dole.
They didn't account for a world market crash so now they can't sustain the benefit costs.
Also if you have kids working for nothing in a job then you have one less person paying tax so how does that help?
If he doesn't want to work for 'free' then why doesn't he stop signing on? Labour have drilled it in the heads of so many that they can have stuff for nothing. There's people on here struggling to survive by being an honest hard worker, yet benefit claimants can have the life of Riley by doing nothing? Is that the kind of attitude you want your son to have?

Your son should have to work for his job seekers - why should he sit at home all day on his PS3 on my dollar? The whole scheme is designed to give your son valuable work experience so he has something on others putting in for the same job.

As for Tesco getting free labour? I doubt that - they have to train them, and then supervise them and so on. Ok, so it's not a wage they are paying out put they have comittment and responsibility as well.

As for the comment about his son living in a country on it's arse that was through no fault of his own - well that might be true, but that doesn't mean that sitting on his arse claiming a wage for nothing is going to solve it.