Words that women say...

Him Her

VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 23, 2011
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North Yorkshire
...that you should be VERY scared of...



...please add so that we may all learn...

[Disclaimer - it may be funny to me, it may NOT be funny to others. I reserve the right to post in the 'Funny' thread if I think it's funny. Anyone is at liberty to correct me or offer an alternate view. I am happy to take these views in public or on PM. Please have a reasonable argument whether in public or on PM. Ridiculous arguments may be posted publicly at my discretion. All comments may be recorded for training purposes. Your consumer rights are not affected. I reserve the right to NOT be offended by your views. Full terms and conditions are available on request. ]
nice 1, i like that

[Disclaimer - i don't read disclaimers]

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Your brother might have the girth, but he doesn't have your staying power. Your Dad on the other hand...
Correct but he's still entitled to his opinion ;)

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I caught you looking at that <insert subject matter focus here i.e. blonde, breasts, ass>
just forget about it!!

generally means you will never hear the end of it....
My gf normally says "come in the front door not the back door"

I know then I'm in trouble.
My gf normally says "come in the front door not the back door"

I know then I'm in trouble.

Hmm erm careful miggy, adult room came straight to my head then. I don't know why boys and girls .Do you? :Laugh:
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