Wireless Router Advice


Inactive User
Nov 27, 2008
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Hi guys

i am with virgin on 50MB broadband to be hones i don't like there super hub router, i was wondering to get a cisco wireless router but are they compatible with cable and will it make any different such as speed, reliability and usability. Or is there any other good routers about.

Thanks dizy
get a DIR 615D (one virgin used to give away) - am sure you can get them on EBay for a tenner stick DDWRT and job done. I run three of said routers on DDWRT at home (one as a wireless repeater bridge) and got to say they are very reliable.
I always use NetGear routers and find them to be the best. I to have 50mb BB from virgin and after using Belkin (Rubbish) and Lynxes routers I can honestly say my Netgear router is far more superior. Hope this helps ;)

P.S Router boxes usually state whether or not it's designed for cable or DSL connections.