Wii firmware update causes outrage


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VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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Nintendo's latest Wii firmware download has outraged buyers of Datel's Freeloader device after it was revealed that it renders the add-on useless.

Datel's Freeloader device, which sells for around £10, allows Wii users to play games from any region on any machine.

After Nintendo launched its latest 3.3 firmware update last week, news soon emerged that the download stops the add-on from working.

A disgruntled gamer told DS: "I have spent good money buying imported games to play on my Wii and this firmware update has now stopped me from playing any of them.

"I am furious with Nintendo for forcing me to stop playing games I have spent a lot of money on. Surely this is not the way they should be treating loyal followers of the Wii."
hmm even Amazon sell this device?

AFAIK this new version has already been hacked allowing people to play their backups once again, not sure if the Datel Freeloader will work though.

I can understand that they want to stop piracy but locking out stuff like Freeloader is nasty.
Sorry mate, but I thought you could.

My apologies!

The semi-brick tool sounds like it might revert the firmware, although I'm not sure who would be brave enough to try it.

Also would the 3.3 update not stop you from loading the semi-brick recover disk?