Why use internet explorer

I find IE7 slow firefox is better in my opinion, its always been more secure whereas IE wasnt until this revision
I like firefox as it has tab browsing, but I think IE is going to incorporate this at some point (Dunno if this has been done already)?

Also the extensions are very handy e.g. mouse gestures (allows you to perform a wide range of functions with the right click of your mouse).
I like firefox as it has tab browsing, but I think IE is going to incorporate this at some point (Dunno if this has been done already)?

yes its been there for a few months. i find ie7 great, never had a problem. tryed firefox, didnt like it.
I have recently upgraded from IE6 to IE7 and to be honest I've never had any problems and personally I like it better than IE6.
I use IE because I've been using it since Windows 95 days. I hate it when people are standing over my shoulder watching me do something and they look all surprised that I'm not using Firefox, then try to preach how good it is at me. Firefox may be more secure, but I feel I'm a savvy enough computer user to not go to dodgy sites, or even if I do, I have enough experience to deal with to consequences.

I have both installed, but IE just feels "right" for me. Not IE7 though, the tabbed browsing interface uses so much RAM its unbelievable.
I use IE because I've been using it since Windows 95 days. I hate it when people are standing over my shoulder watching me do something and they look all surprised that I'm not using Firefox, then try to preach how good it is at me. Firefox may be more secure, but I feel I'm a savvy enough computer user to not go to dodgy sites, or even if I do, I have enough experience to deal with to consequences.

I have both installed, but IE just feels "right" for me. Not IE7 though, the tabbed browsing interface uses so much RAM its unbelievable.

Yeh IE7's RAM usage is tooo big.. The best way to stop annoying/unsafe sites is to use a good HOSTS file..With this is simply blocks the connection from any dodgy sites..