Why use internet explorer


Inactive User
May 11, 2005
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Why does a lot of people still use internet explorer firefox is by far the best engine out there with no problems
Why does a lot of people still use internet explorer firefox is by far the best engine out there with no problems

In my experience "best" rarely matters. People go for the easiest and most widely supported software. As IE is already on most PC's and most sites are optimised for its use then people will use it !

btw, Firefox is by no means a perfect browser. It has plenty of anomalies !
I use IE because it's what I've got, causes me no problems and works fine.
i like firefox. the extensions and themes are good. i use IE for things which doesnt support Firefox.
I prefer firefox just because of certain things it does better. Mainly very good extensions and it displays CSS correctly. It's hell trying to make a site for IE and IE messes it up. Firefox always just displays it perfectly.

Also firefox doesnt make you have to click on a flash object to activate it. That's a stupid thing about IE.
Why does a lot of people still use internet explorer firefox is by far the best engine out there with no problems

firefox is out dated in its looks, IE7 is faster and better no need for all those stupid addons.
The only website firefox users have to use IE for is Windows Update. Plus firefox is not outdated in looks as you can download themes for it. And firefox basically supports more site than IE.

An example of this is that I find firefox works better with Windows Live Mail beta than IE does. That's because firefox displays code correctly, IE doesnt.

If you are a web developer you know what im talking about.
The only website firefox users have to use IE for is Windows Update. Plus firefox is not outdated in looks as you can download themes for it. And firefox basically supports more site than IE.

An example of this is that I find firefox works better with Windows Live Mail beta than IE does. That's because firefox displays code correctly, IE doesnt.

If you are a web developer you know what im talking about.
http://www.gzoneunderground.com good game site will keep the grandkids happy for a bit thanks
I think a lot of people dont even know there are alternatives.
I normally use IE, but sometimes because of system damages it doesn`t work and I have to install Firefox.
.... And firefox basically supports more site than IE.....

Maybe hacking sites and the like but the majority of sites out there are optimised to work with IE because, quite simply, thats what the majority of users actually work with.

A good 60% of people will buy a PC and work with the tools that come with it. Most of them simply dont care that there are alternatives because that would involve the hassle of downloading something, installing it and then actually learning how to use it. Its far simpler for them to just press the IE browser shortcut button in their taskbar just like all their mates do !

There's also he very real preception that "free" software is dodgy software thats probably going to riddle your PC with spyware and virii.
my bank will only let me use ie :Devil:

I bank with halifax and that uses ie but this is solved in fire fox by downloading the free add on IE TAB ( pm me if you can't find it)

As for the rest!! Personally i think ie7 is a cheap imitation of fire fox!!!!!! Firefox can do just as much as ie and more and is totally customizable so you only have installed what you want.

I never use ie i haven't used it for about 2years. I test drived ie7 was not impressed.
Yeah, sites are optimised for IE. Only because web developers know that most people use IE so they actually have to edit their script to make IE display it right, simply because IE can't display it right in the first place so they have to accomidate for IE's awfulness.

And thanks to dcoopt5! Glad you like it.

Make sure you come back, im making a community like thing for it, i guess a bit like a basic myspace (not as complicated or as feature packed), but more games orientated.
I concur with all, but IE is good as it is nicely bedded in with windows, and most sites work with IE.
I find FF too slow. I use Opera which is faster.

Didnt someone put an intersting link comparing IE, FF and Opera a few weeks ago. Think the gist was that Opera was most secure.
Have the best of both worlds and put both on ya pc .