Why fo I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?


Oct 31, 2005
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Why do I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?


Lots of peeps are telling me the PS3 has been hacked.

No proof tho?

Must be like $ky!

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Re: Why do I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?

You keep hearing about it as someones cousins, mate, uncles, wife, brother who works for sony said they are really worried about something a certain group is doing.
Re: Why do I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?

why moan about it?

just dont believe it til u see it with your own eyes

hacked can mean alot of things btw ;)
Re: Why do I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?

Na never :Laugh:

lol cheeky bam!!

we have won lots of trophies (on my ps3)

just look at my achievements in FIFA with Motherwell and you will see!!

I keep in hearing about a Take over at Sheffield Wednesday but thats not going to happen till my kid is in school and thats 3 years away. The same about the ps3, sony have really done their homework with making this unhackable for playing games. But hacked blueray films well thats a different matter, got a bucket full of them.

bottom line is, that it will get hacked. When it does you'll hear about it on the tele, newspaper and tons of websites so there won't be a need to post asking if it's true or not.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't be telling everyone abt the hack, it's a secret
Sorry, I should have known.

I wont mention that there is a way to speed up the time it takes to get a game either then. Apparently, if you bribe the Royal Mail, they will do everything they can to deliver the game in the slowest time possible.
it will never be hacked to play copies nor isos,maybe some linux access to the hv but thats it

and tbh i dont care ,any multi format game i fancy i will get on 360-unless theres a significant reason to buy on ps3,other than that its not like the ps3 exclusives will cost you a fortune

seen kz2 pre order for 24.99 earlier on

all i wanted on ps3 really was a decent media player but since i started using the java ps3 media server even that doesnt bother me
Re: Why do I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?

You keep hearing about it as someones cousins, mate, uncles, wife, brother who works for sony said they are really worried about something a certain group is doing.


Don't go to the bathroom on December 28th!

CIA intelligence reports that a major attack plot
is planned for that day.

Anyone who takes a poop on the 28th will be
bitten on the butt by an alligator.

Reports indicate that organized groups of alligators
are planning to rise up into unsuspecting American's
toilet bowls and bite them on the ass when they are
doing their business.

I usually don't send emails like this, but I got this
information from a reliable source.......

It came from a friend of a friend whose cousin is
dating this girl whose brother knows this guy whose
wife knows this lady whose husband buys hotdogs
from and this guy knows a shoeshine guy who shines
the shoes of a mail room worker who has a friend
who's drug dealer sells drugs to another mail room
worker who works in the CIA building.

He apparently overheard two guys talking in the
bathroom about alligators and came to the conclusion
that we're going to be attacked.

So it must be true!!
for PS3 hack
Sorry, I should have known.

I wont mention that there is a way to speed up the time it takes to get a game either then. Apparently, if you bribe the Royal Mail, they will do everything they can to deliver the game in the slowest time possible.

We don't need bribing thanks, although please feel free to do so.
hotdealsuk link to someware i didnt follow it cos the game doesnt interest me but i understand its supposed to be a big game
Re: Why do I keep hearing the PS3 has been hacked?


Lots of peeps are telling me the PS3 has been hacked.

No proof tho?

Must be like $ky!


You may have heard about the new possible exploit that may have been found, but as to whether this will lead to playing backups/homebrew only time will tell but i am following closely lol.
There is a video on [ame="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_206TIgIGcQ"]Youtube[/ame] but it doesnt show anythin being dome as in games been dumped on hard drive but from reading ect this could lead to games been dumped to the hdd by using the backup utility on the PS3
hotdealsuk link to someware i didnt follow it cos the game doesnt interest me but i understand its supposed to be a big game

i use that site. only one i have seen on there was for £31 on shopto.net, but i will go back and have a look.

if u aint seen the videos for this game u should, have a look on youtube. it makes cod4/waw and gow2 look like they were a great effort, but just wont cut it anymore.
Things normally get hacked once I've gone and purchased 10 or so games, currently at 5 so if anybody wants to contribute and help the hack be out quicker then all contributions will be greatly received :)