Who will be first?

Guys, to be brutally honest many members that come on here do leech (sorry if I have just jumped to the end of the thread and missed something) but having an "elite" forum just smacks of swelling heads. many that come here are not technically minded or technically literate and use these forums as a source of help, personally if I could code, understood how this all worked etc I wouldn't come here and ask questions and respond to questions as I would have no need. Everybody started somewhere and true there are some real p*sstakers that make a p*ssload of money from what they learn here agreed, that is a blatant case of leeching, but just because some of us have nothing creative on this front to give , everyone has a profession or something that they are good at, personally I learn through google and everywhere else on the net I can glean information, and if you look hard enough there is nothing that hasn't already been answered by someone else (googlebot doesn't index everything!!) After learning a multitude of workarounds from the likes of the legendary Jimmy Q and Twobeercans it seems that the sycophants are screaming loudest. There are a lot of valued members on here and just because some of us don't make a noise doesn't mean we aren't her or appreciate the effort and development that goes into new images. let us not forget if it wasn't for this forum there would be no free exchange of ideas or information and everyone started somewhere so don't run away with yourselves and ideals. Before I get flamed for this I really don't give two f*cks what the response is, it had to be said. Great job by DW on a brilliant site, but unfortunately not everyone is a techno genius. And just for the record , Yep I agree all traders are scum!!
Ironic really, been a member for years and still a JUNIOR member, just shows how much I read rather than whinge :)
I made that mistake earlier when I got in from work...........started helping folks as usual then noticed the post count of the folks I was helping !............Fook this I said, I'll be here forever helping folk that I'll never see again !!!!

very true m8.
shame they cant just spend a bit more time in the forums and not just when boxs go down wanting hand outs.
very true m8.
shame they cant just spend a bit more time in the forums and not just when boxs go down wanting hand outs.

Well never expected this many posts from such a simple comment.

Most interseting reading

My opinion?

Well havn't had many posts but had lots of help.. Much appreciated guys,

Learnt more from RODBOY with regards to FTP a while back than I have since the days of ondigital and elvis programers.
Just don't have the time now and you do need time trust me it took 3 days to sort my mums box out doing FTP with different images only to learn that the box had a weak tuner in it. Booster from argos.

So the moral of the story, when people keep asking the same questions and there is an answere already posted, then don't answere again or make a comment.
Without been rude I have read posts which say " read posts"

I't definatly a difficult 1 but thanks to this site I can now flash images through router and ftp seen all the files on my comp and had a goos look.

Iv'e been asked by my friends "how do you know how to do this ?" Answere I read about it.

Mind you when my car breaks a pay some one to fix it cos I can't be arsed.

Good look with the fix guys

Happy Christmass
arnet kryptview has a fix doesnt give any names. we want dbox lol.
Originally Posted by rodboy
I made that mistake earlier when I got in from work...........started helping folks as usual then noticed the post count of the folks I was helping !............Fook this I said, I'll be here forever helping folk that I'll never see again !!!!

not everyone who has low posts are leechers i have been on this site for a while and tho i dont have many posts under me i like to sit and read the posts other members have placed and learn stuff that i dont no without repeting the thread by creating a new one, if i new information that a member was asking for i would gladly share and send them a message with what they needed to no, but info that we aint clued up on we rely on others for help even if u dont like askin cause for alot of ppl on this forum including maself the willin is there to learn but tryin to get ur head around the information is what we cant do, we can try everything but it jus dont sink in, yh there will be ppl leechin off here but not everyone are the same
Yeh m8,I hear yeh...It will always be the case m8.no matter what of new members only signing up to get keys fixes etc etc..The only way is to stop registration maybe at said times or even limit it..But still the one who have registered and never post,will always be here.....Just the way of the net m8

I can understand your frustration however speaking personally, people like myself register n start 2 learn what we can, i rarely post as i believe that there is no point unless I know for sure what i'm saying is correct.

that said I do also think the problem is the amount of people that come along the minute there is a major problem, don't bother reading the sticky's, don't bother reading other posts to see if the answer is already there, they just jump all over the board asking everyone n anyone for help then dissapear,

I hope this doesn't put you guys off helping as some of us are starting from scratch but trying to help where we can. people like urself n rodboy help me everyday even though we've never spoke directly, ur replys to other peoples problems often save me bothering you with the same questions.

keep ur heads up n u'll not be long n finding out who actually appreciate the help n who is just leechin.

yourself, rodboy, gav12345, PaphosAL 2 name but a few are all that stands between me n 4 other friends from bining our boxes, i get the info here sort my own and there box's (free of charge) so keep up the great work & somewhere down the line i might be able to come to ur rescue
hi im new on here ,been around dboxesfor the last 3 years ,started on commando then andromina ,then to the lacky pro,wouldlove to learn how to make up an image ,i think it will be a couple of weeks yet ,for a image ,if they can make one that is
hi im new on here ,been around dboxesfor the last 3 years ,started on commando then andromina ,then to the lacky pro,wouldlove to learn how to make up an image ,i think it will be a couple of weeks yet ,for a image ,if they can make one that is

Thanks mate................a couple of weeks..............that's reassuring.
Like me i hpoe all the users of this site appreciate and respect the work of the soldiers who battle to give us our TV.

God Bless yous ALL
Ironic really, been a member for years and still a JUNIOR member, just shows how much I read rather than whinge :)

We are not all whingers mate.

This is a community, we welcome comments, opinions and new friends.

Feel free to spread the shit and most of all relax....


Strange how you decided to pop-up a few days after Virgin decided to **** the hackers in the arse?! :err:
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We are not all whingers mate.

This is a community, we welcome comments, opinions and new friends.

Feel free to spread the shit and most of all relax....


Strange how you decided to pop-up a few days after Virgin decided to **** the hackers in the arse?! :err:

A few days after?, normally on here at least 2 or three times a week, not just in it for free TV besides being a paid up customer of V*rgin it don't really bother me much at all if the dbox's go up and down like a whore's drawers, just a nightmare when my technophobic mate rings up and needs his looking at it causes an issue. I decided to pop up and comment when the "elite" word popped up but then again the context of that post was obviously missed so I wont waste any more time on it.

And no, not everyone that posts is a whinger, but there are a fair share that feel that they should be treated above all else. (are they all porsche drivers?) To be honest if they don't like it set up a new site with a new forum and build the support up like DW did. DW was here long before the "elite" that keep complaining.

Soapbox rant over!!