wheres the strong winds ?


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
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I thought they forcast servere strong winds for Sunday ?

maybe its over night
there on the way i just finished my sunday dinner just hang 5
Had hail earlier, the only sting winds by me at the moment.....are......coming.......out.......of......my.........................;)
lmao I like it maggot :Laugh:

just got back from taking Dog over the field and the skies are Black

thats what made me think wheres the wind
does say Sunday/Monday

Latest UK Weather and Flood Warnings BBC

Sunday 9 March EARLY WARNING An intense area of low pressure is forecast cross the UK on Monday. Both wind and rain will be notable with potential for disruption to transport and power supplies. England and Wales look most at risk at the moment, with gusts of wind up to 70mph, locally 80mph for exposed coasts and hills Further updates will appear here.

Sunday 9 March FLOOD WARNING There are 3 flood warnings in force across the United Kingdom; Scotland (3) Further updates will appear here.
Yeah its supposed to be quite bad tomorrow. Which is just awesome considering I have my driving test tomorrow! :doh:

Ah well, suppose I should look at the bright side......I suppose it'll force me to drive slower and reduce the risk of me wrapping the car around a lamp-post :)
best of luck m8 :) post to tell us how you get on :)
yeah good luck mate i wouldnt like to do that nowdays and i only did mine 3 years ago
We've got gorgeous blue skys ere at the mo,first they said saturday evening and all day sunday now its monday,wish they'd make their minds up lol
lol you think im kidding but i set a reminder in my phone about tomorrow, not so i would remember to wish you good luck more to remember not to go near the roads! :proud:
lol you think im kidding but i set a reminder in my phone about tomorrow, not so i would remember to wish you good luck more to remember not to go near the roads! :proud:

LOL my Dad has done the exact same thing.
so looks like we're gonna get the southerners whingeing about some wind and a drop of rain so panic stations breaks out,meanwhile us tough northerners just get on with it.
sounds about right i have to travel down south tomoz morning gona have to leave an hour earlier now with stupid panic ridden 50mph motorway drivers everywhere
on your travels down south you will notice all us whingy southerners boarding our windows and doors
while the northeners open theres ;)