Whats the most interesting pet you've had ?

i used to have 12ft burmese python. was a great pet aslong as its handled regularly, but need alot of space for something this big and powerful. it used to have its own room in the house, before i got rid of it. i want another snake, something like a rainbow boa or royal/ball python.
a guy had a 23 ft one, didnt see it but feck me must of been big. The albinos are not a natural breed if you will, they have been bred for the colour, so any natural type of constrictor will be oooodles more stronger even if its smaller in size and length, my mate wont even get his smaller boa out on his own, yet the bigger (longer fatter) albino he has no problems with.

agreed, all snakes want to bite, they dont like being handled, but they do need to be handled otherwise they will become vicious (viv defensive etc etc )

if anyones interested, check the reptile forums, absolute fantastic bargains to be had, bought my snow corn and hoggys from there, less than half the price of the pet shops.

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thought you had corn snakes?

have lso had a couple of western hognoses , but got rid of them, nice snakes but B`jesus did they feckin stink, i know they can MUSK when threatened but these where at it all the time lol.

I do mate. Just the book said thats the proper name for them. Dunno why, probably read the book wrong, as some people call them amelystic. lol
i though rat snakes where a different bread altogether, i do know they have interbred rats and corns and milks and corn, but corn and rats are definately different breeds. Amels the colour / pattern, most common for corns.
i though rat snakes where a different bread altogether, i do know they have interbred rats and corns and milks and corn, but corn and rats are definately different breeds. Amels the colour / pattern, most common for corns.

I aint sure Kieron mate, just going on what guy in shop told me. You seen the colours on mine, so I guess there corns of some description.
Id be too scared to handle a snake horrible bity things. Awesome to watch eating and stuff though.
mine must have to be a lizard, found it to be very interesting bigtime :)

regards fireblade.
I had a parrot growing up, but it died when I was 10. Otherwise just had cats and fish.