Whats Missionary ?


Global Moderator
Staff member
Nov 17, 2001
Reaction score
No I don't need sex lessons, lol, dont know if anyone else saw it but there was quite a few of us on a public server tonight and it kepy saying so and so was using missionary ??? just wondered what thats all about ?
thought i told ya means you have no dodgy console cheats running
yer clean as driven snow bronto m8 not a cheater lol
u dont take it up the a**e
your straight get it
cause believe or not people cheat
but on them servers u get kicked if ur not clean
or u shoot team members as friendly kill is on (ie your team)
it was saying that i and bert did not have stock uniforms on...it was uniforms that is not in the original game
@ peacemaker, cheers m8 I did wonder, I don't see the point of game cheats, wheres the fun in that, unless I'm wrong, I think it would take the fun out the game personaly.

@ MB, Noticed the uniforms m8 ;)
Some people have to use them Bronto cause if they don't they can't win,but like u say whats the point,if they can't win without cheating then don't play.Do people think I enjoy getting shot and dying 50 times a night I have my stealth undies I too could cheat but do I do I?no I don't........am I ranting?
heres some info

How Missionary Works

When players come on your server with Missionary, it has already checked and ensured that they have no cheats or files that you do not want on your server. Unlike some of the programs out there that have them come on and then throws up flags saying they have illegal files, when they may have just left in a custom gunsight, Missionary will take care of all of that before they even come on. Missionary will also let the player know before coming on if there name is not appropriate along with informing them about your server, files that they can have, and the current status. If they are on the ban list that you send it, they will not even be allowed to start Missionary to your server. You can even choose (Not Recommended) to use all of the available banned list if desired. (I believe it is only important to stop cheats and unwanted players from coming on the server, not making a be deal about kicking them.) Players coming on with Missionary, who do something to be banned, will also find that changing names and IPs will not be enough.