What Search Engines Do You Use


VIP Member
VIP Member
Aug 29, 2001
Reaction score
just wondered what people use :) and what u find the best
Good old Google for me
i use google mainly sometimes yahoo and also if they dont find what i want i use coppernic which uses loads of different search engine's
i used to use alltheweb, never use anything other than google now, its been my homepage for years!
Google's my default search engine..

http://vivisimo.com/ = that's another gr8 one as it gives you a categorical search to and is very very precise.

I had a feeling Google would be first choice :) just wondered what others used
its crazy but true i only ever use google ...

but i cant remember the last time google never found what i was looking for ?

i would try yahoo after that then altavista i guess lol
OK someone had to be the odd 1 out.I only ever use yahoo never had a problem with it.
Yahoo and Good old Google...Usually find what I require so my discovery ends there….
