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I have cloned the mac address on my ambit 200, but am new so would like a little help please.
If I connect via usb do I need to do anything to stop it being traced? (Like smac if its on network card.)
Can I connect it to a router with my subbed modem?
Can I use both together for increased speed? (One on router and one on usb)
Who will win the FA Cup?
Any help would be appriecia... appreecia.... apriciate.... GREAT ;)

As far as i can tell the usb should be ok.
Most of the time the usb address is just one letter or number up from the mac you put on.
Although after i have cloned macs on a modem i noticed in my network connections the old mac address is still on there.
I don't think it stays on there but????
The theory is this

The Cable co's log all the nic macs against the hfc macs so if you've connected a sub to a specific nic then connect a clone to it the Cable co will know about it so SMAC only applies if you've had a sub connected to that nic best bet just buy another nic, connect through usb or use Smac if you havent had a sub connected to your nic dont worry about it.
Thanks for your help.

When i connect to usb it dont work :(

Do i need to clone the usb_mac_address as well, or should it work by doing just the mac_address?

Also, the mac addy i got from about 10 miles away? Is that too far?

The computer recognises it.
The modem powers up and locks ok. (It has anti update and is pre upgrade)
On the modem menu it says the mac_address is the one I changed it to, but the usb_mac_address is one up from the old mac address(on the bottom of the modem).
ok, try this for size....
i changed the usb mac, even though i didnt need too (cheers l33t) and i am now online using the clone....HOWEVER, I cant load google but i can load this site. How bazzaarrrrr?

Any ideas.... It's nearly there :D
DoomedEarl said:
ok, try this for size....
i changed the usb mac, even though i didnt need too (cheers l33t) and i am now online using the clone....HOWEVER, I cant load google but i can load this site. How bazzaarrrrr?
Any ideas.... It's nearly there :D

change the usb mac back to what it should be, on bottom of modem then take it from there!
I have a wireless router. Can I just connect it to that?

Will I need to use smac to change the router nicmac or something?

Sorry I sound like a n00b, but I am ;)
It is now working on usb. It would only go to certain sites to start with but when i left it for a while it started to go to all.

Thanks for your help guys :)
DoomedEarl said:
It is now working on usb. It would only go to certain sites to start with but when i left it for a while it started to go to all.
Thanks for your help guys :)

sounds like the mac to me m8, if faulty again try another mac.
I gave somebody a few macs last week they live over 20 miles away infact in a different town we didnt think they would work but they did. We cant tell much about whether or not a mac will be compatible its a bit of trial and error really have a read of this

viiiper said:
Posted in "macs for swap" thread aswell

This is for all you Clone Modem MAC TRADERS [only takes 5 mins to read]


Cloned modems can only work in a different segment of the cable network from the original cable modem

All Cable modems login to the cable network with there unique MAC address. Think of your town/ city as segmented like an orange. We all live in a certain segment and no two MAC addresses are the same. A cloned modem comes online, as long as it is in a different segment of the network from the original, it will work this is because the network primarily checks the cable modems MAC address and does NOT ALLOW 2 identical MAC’s to be online [registered on the network] in the same segment.

So when you are all requesting MAC’s for trade you should actually be asking for MAC’s from a different Cable network segment. You may think this obvious but the network does not necessarily follow the physical layout of your town/ city.

The segments of the cable network [like the orange are separated], in the case of cable the separation is done by ROUTER GATEWAYS, known as UBR’s [Universal Broadband Router].


The link given goes to the Grc [Gibson Research Corporation] website [a bit like who is]

https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 :D <<< CLICK HERE

When you initiate the page it will return your full UBR address


xxx is replacing actual numbers [you won't see xxx on the result] :)

The information address follows the following format:-


For example if it returned a ‘UBR05’ this means your in segment 05 of your town/city

So for MAC trading purposes you need to trade with anyone outside UBR05, for example UBR01. Areas/ cities are normally segmented into approx 10 segments depending on size



All the Best viiiper

comments welcome

M*dshack search engine key words:- ubr gateway , mac cloning , cable modem cloning.