What browser do you use?


Elite Member
Oct 11, 2010
Reaction score
southeast uk
Just seeing what browser people use in here ive been using IE for many years (yes foolish me lol) since i was first on the net back in 98.But since i got my new comp last friday ive switched to firefox as i did try this before but couldnt really get the feel for it but ive had it on my comp running windows 7 since saterday.I cant get over how good it is it even blocks out ads (using ad blocker) on 4od progs and on blinkbox.Pretty impressive really anyone suggest any other progs to improve my browsing exp on firefox?

And i know this will fire people up but this is the new windows ive had since xp and i gotta say i really do love windows 7.
firefox for me, i'v tried them all but i allways end up back on firefox.

why would saying you like windows 7 fire people up? everyone likes it.
you're lucky you skipped vista, that was crud when it first came out, then just as soon as it started to be an ok os 7 came out.

now lets wait for a smug mac user to say it's not as good as fog hedgehog or whatever it is :proud:
I use IE7 at work because i have to :(

At home i use either firefox or crome. But I run Ubuntu at home so IE aint an option (Not that i would use it anyway)
Well i no a few of my mates have gone over to linux now and they hate it when i talk bout windows lol.Yeah i skipped vista after reading all the bad things about and just stuck on xp.And i dont like mac at all tried it once never again lol.
Been using Firefox for donkeys years, i still rate it as the best browser out there.
A couple of add ons i use in FF are download helper and Fire ftp.
I use firefox.. pretty good.. still lets a few popups through but not as many as IE does.. I'm running it through linix..

Got win7 dual boot but don't use it.. its gone mega slow.. pisses me off.
Firefox for me too, did try Chrome for a while but soon went back to Firefox, just can't remember why now :err:
firefox for me...
used to use I.E. until i tried firefox and got hooked.

have tried google chrome, just can't seem to get into it...
Mainly Firefox, sometimes chrome. Only use IE if no choice (when at work).
i use Firefox, must say its some good software, aint had a prob with it yet :)

regards steve.
Firefox here too, IE sooooooooooo slooooooooooow!
Was Firefox till it got all bloated and slow so switched to chrome :)
Deffo chrome, used to be a firefox user but switched to chrome, cant remember why but have to say its brilliant. Im surprised more people havent switched