Weird Problem


VIP Member
VIP Member
Dec 27, 2005
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Hope someone can help me with this... I have got a K-World (Jetway) DVB-T pci card which has been working great for months but all of a sudden two days ago at 5:35am it stopped working.

I know this because the signal stopped whilst it was on Sky News as I left it running over night.

Now since then I all I get is a black screen on ShowShifter and when I try re scanning for channels with any program I dont get anything!?

Tried re-installing drivers, removed everything started from scratch but nothing... Im sooo confused... It was working fine but for some reason now I cant get any signal at all.

I live in student halls in sheffield and checked if my mate who live on the floor below is still getting freeview on his freecom usb stick and his works fine so it aint signal problem.

Hope someone can help with this problem.
Downloaded the latest drivers etc from the K-World website hopefully this should fix the problem but wont find out until after the weekend now.
may be its gone duff try in another pc see if it works if not return to shop and ask for another one.,
reddevil said:
may be its gone duff try in another pc see if it works if not return to shop and ask for another one.,

Bought it off ebay awhile back so if its gone duff then I guess its gonna go in the bin! I think its just my PC to be honest, its in need of a format! Havent got another PC to test it on but I have got all the latest drivers which I will test when I get back, im sure I had this problem before when I first got it but I cant remember how I fixed it.

Im only in my place for another few weeks before I move back home so aint a big deal.
Ok very annoyed now, tried latest drivers, latest software etc, tried everything I could possibly think of and still cant get my freeview working again.

Looks like I will be doing a format and see if that fixes it. Unless anyone else got any ideas?
You said that your mates was working in the flat below...but have you properly checked your own aerial connections?

I presume you share an aerial with your mate (have you followed the cables to check this?) possibly one of you use a roof aerial and the other a loft aerial... it is also possible that there is a problem with the cable between your room and the aerial or a problem, if it is a shared aerial, with in line boosters or if you are in student halls and sharing an aerial with more than one other it is possible that someone else has unplugged your connection to the booster in order to give themselves a better picture.....(list goes on, mouse in loft eats wire etc.)

Other possibility would be any extension leads you use to connect to an aerial wall socket may be shorted/broken.

In short..... try borrowing a TV from a friend and see if you can get a picture on that from your room, before you format your hard drive.

sorry if you have already checked all of this... but sometimes people miss the simple things.

Hey Darcy thanks for the response, its definatly not a problem with the aerial or aerial point as my mates freecom udvbt usb works fine in my room. I checked the aerials I was using and they work fine.

I think it a software issue more than anything, my computer is well over due a format anyway so looks like im just going to try from fresh and see what happens.

I am only in sheffield for another few days and bringing my computer back home on wednesday but I dont get a freeview signal so wont be able to test after the format.