WEE or WII ?

LOL Mickey D. I am the worst speller in world anyway and a little dyslexic so it makes perfect sense to me...

What really anoyed me other other day was seeing American spelling in my PAL version of Zelda... REALIZE !!! Now that pisses me off.
thats what im talking about true to the core

and **** the adverts what do they know

i will look at this bastard thing in me house when i get one and say anyone playing the FUCKING WHY lmfao rofl

if there is a mention of fooking WEE they can use the WEE FUCKING MOTE in the LAVVY see how much fucking tennis they can play in there!!!!!


A-men brother, long live the revolution ;)
(it would ov been a smarter choise all round)
I'm with you Mickie!

Another advert on the tv at the moment is for two dolls which your kids can dress up in "real clothes" as opposed to pretend ones I guess but I'm digressing, the dolls are made by Smoby, and called Rosy and Roby. Now seeing that written down I would pronounce it with elongated O and sounding as though I was describing something similar to a cape.... robe-y, rhyming with Smoby but no they say it as though it's written Robbie.

Our language is being mutilated more and more by marketing idiots!!!