weather probs


Inactive User
Jul 11, 2005
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can anybody tell me why when we have good weather i.e
sunshine my freeview(digital) looses some channels I mean the channels dont work or pixalate. Is there something I can do to fix it? new antena or weather generator!! lol
What problems are you getting :-

blocking/pixellation of the picture ?
popping/clicking on the audio ?
total loss (no picture) ?
picture freezing/loss of sound synchronisation ?

Many set top boxes can seriously overheat in this sunny weather, especially if they are in a cabinet (with doors even worse), in direct sunlight or on top of other hot equipment - too much heat can dry out components such as capacitors and eventually cause power supply to fail etc Touch your set top box see how hot it is ..... just letting a bit more air get around it can really help

Also hot weather means lots of leaves on trees (which can be in the way between your aerial and the transmitter), in analogue days this problem caused a "multi path" of signals and ghosting, but with digital it can cause the problems above, the hot weather can also mean strange atmospheric effects causing tv signals to travel much further than usual, you may be getting interference.
Weird mine STB is on my PC and connected by SVHS to my TV Tuner card, I've got a High Gain aerial and mine's on the roof.

Had problems receiving C4 and E4, but not E4+1 .

Any one else having problems picking up channels??


BTW All the others work perfectly and have always done so.
I quite frequently loose CH5, abc1 and QVC to pixelation or not showing at all.
Ch5 is always been dodgy though... Ch5 always messes up with the weather, I find that worse weather messes up Ch5.
malt said:
can anybody tell me why when we have good weather i.e
sunshine my freeview(digital) looses some channels I mean the channels dont work or pixalate. Is there something I can do to fix it? new antena or weather generator!! lol

During periods of warm weather TVsignals can be propogated into areas which they would not go to,
A reason for why you may be losing your signal is that a distant transmitter is interfering with your "local" transmitter and causing interference.
Another reason again due to weather conditions is slightly "bending" the rays in that the mode of transmission for digital tv relies on multiple 2 or 8k transmittersl.(yes over 1000 per transponder) The radiation pattern can be considered to that like a bicycle wheel. The spokes are null lines and the signal is greatly attenuated. These lines move or bend slightly due to the weather maybe you are drifting into one of these?
Thanks for that informative post !!!

Just as well shouldn't be cooped up indoors when the weather is so 'gorgeous'

thx 1234Digital
I think thats my problem!
Try resetting your STB and searching for channels, it worked for me!!
