Vat reduction my arse

what i'm getting at is the fact that i can save....putting a tenner away a week is somthing i don't miss

and it soon builds up.........and when somthing comes up thats not predicted i'e car probs

the the money is there....its done...rather then scrambling around trying to find the money or borrowing of my my family to get me out of the shit

i can save snd thats what i'm good at

don't feel money is burning a hole in my pocket

How long did it take you to save for your car?
I agree about the fuel, food, energy.

If they done something about this then we would be in much better shape i have 300 quid a quarter electric bills and gas of 150 a quarter.

And just an observation lol but my mrs spends more and has less bags when she comes back from shopping now.

I am not knocking fuel to much it has come down allot and if you can find an APPLE fuel station its something like 82p a litre of gas and 98p diesel and i think i payed £1.40+ in an esso garage for a litre of deisel before.

But they really need to cut the energy i never turn on my spotlights anymore and have lamps in all rooms with energy saver bulbs in.
How long did it take you to save for your car?

i'm guessing maybe Chelsea is from London?
in which case a car is as much use as a chocolate fire place
It's the mixture of water, a bag of k'nex, making up quotes in your head and not paying anything in tax that keeps them there karym6.

I have no shame in credit (for cars, goods, and services). My wife and I put ourselves through university with part time work, loans, and credit cards.

I would probably be kicking around a factory to this day if I had not.

I certainly don't need some sanctimonious git telling me that I am stupid using the old Hovis advert as background music 'in my day, I went up t'hill like Grandad etc'

Great. Whether you like it or not, we don't hunt and kill each other because we have a mutual interest, trade. Now just as people exchange services (sticking two bits of pipe together so water can't escape) for food (or money to spend on food), the world has a new trade, borrowing. This helps people buy houses, cars, goods, and services without having to wait (in the case of a house) a lifetime to save.

In the current economic climate, the world needs people to lend and borrow, to try and create 'growth'. Savers are not helping the economy at the moment, which is why the interest rate is being slashed.

As far as the VAT reduction is concerned, it was always going to be folly. A company can advertise as 'now with VAT decrease' and simple put the price up before adding the 15% making the price the same.
Yet another of those supposed helping hand type things from an inept and out of touch government policy.

The only people it will help are those buying new cars, or other high value items at this time. The average man in the street won't really see much improvement, since a lot of prices (noticed this particularly in Tesco) seem to have risen in recent weeks, which will have the overall effect of prices still increasing :(
Does it really matter? Give the guy a break.

Just because he has different opinions on credit & savings etc to you doesnt make your own opinions worth any less.

he said any one with credit are champagne charlies, i disagree with this and trying to find out if he has credit for his house, if so he is just calling himself a champagne charlie and just contradicted himself. so yeah it does matter. i'm sure some of your posts seem worthless to some people

Aren't plumbers the richest people in western europe?

hows that when us sparks are on more money?
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Get over yourself. Just because you dont share the same opinion to him doesnt mean he is wrong.

And to be honest, I dont know how much plumbers get paid - it was an attempt to lighten the mood on this thread. I couldnt care less how much sparkies get paid either for that matter.

If you get paid so much, then you have nothing to fear from the credit crunch or the recession.

Calm down guys i did not start the thread so you could have a handbag fight lol
Get over yourself. Just because you dont share the same opinion to him doesnt mean he is wrong.

And to be honest, I dont know how much plumbers get paid - it was an attempt to lighten the mood on this thread. I couldnt care less how much sparkies get paid either for that matter.

If you get paid so much, then you have nothing to fear from the credit crunch or the recession.

what you on about get over my self? i was askin chelsea not you but then you butted in. why dont you get over your self.

you said plumbers are the richest in western europe or summit and i commented hows that? and i do have to fear from the credit crunch if you must no. not all of us have nowt to pay each day and can anything we want straight away.

and im not saying hes wrong, well i am on one point which is every one with credit aint wanting to live like champagne charlies or the like which he said they do. alright?

am i aloud to say we are not all champagne charlies or you gonna say im wrong about that?

sorry ian mate
No, your right, how silly of me.

Yes, you have championed the cause of all god fearing people using credit. Down with those awful champange charlies and all their ilk!!! Let them feel the wrath of sparkies up and down the land and may they never forget it.

In future I wont comment on threads at all, it was ridiculous of me to not recognise that a private conversation was taking place.

stop being a prick will you, so you agree all people who have credit are champagne charlies. good for you. i didnt say you couldnt comment but nm
I havent said anything of the sort. If you read carefully I was just asking you to give him a break instead of pulling his posts to peices.

so because i asked him if he had any credit then i should give him a break? as i say, its wrong to say every one is a champagne charlie for having credit, there was no need for that. thats what got me angry
Of course it isnt wrong - its just his opinion, thats all!!

Come to think of it, I dont owe any credit companies a penny right now, but so what?

but your opinion wasnt the original problem mate, i owe quite a lot due to my house and i dont appreciate being called a champagne charlie for it.
but your opinion wasnt the original problem mate, i owe quite a lot due to my house and i dont appreciate being called a champagne charlie for it.

I dont think you should be taking it as a personal dig at you m8. His post was general and not pointed at you as he would not know what your personal finacial state was.
Each to his own and that. Some live with credit some dont thats what makes the world go round m8.

Can we now all kiss and make up:lovestory
So why didnt you just make that point in the first place instead of trying to tear him apart?

A few people already mentioned that credit and the VAT cut are two different things to him...

i tried, look

pardon my french but that is complte bollocks.

im not on lemonade money,well i think not, but i got something on credit as i cant afford it yet as i am doing my house up, i moved in, ripped it all apart and now living in a shell whle im doing it up and because i am spending ALL my wages on my house to make it better that means i have no money for me, yet. so i am not living like champagne charlie just wanted something i cant afford yet but will be able too in a couple weeks.

do you own a credit card, if so have you spent on it? have you ever bought anything that is buy now pay next year? do you have a mortgage as that is a form of credit.

I dont think you should be taking it as a personal dig at you m8. His post was general and not pointed at you as he would not know what your personal finacial state was.
Each to his own and that. Some live with credit some dont thats what makes the world go round m8.

Can we now all kiss and make up:lovestory

tbh , from what he posted i will take it as a personal dig as i have things on credit and by the way he written that he meant all people.

have a look below

i swear the retailers think the vat cut only applys to them and still charge the customer 17.5%

i will not be going to town to spend money just for the sake of saving 5p

the way i see it

if you can't afford to pay for items outright then you shouldn't have them

credit is for people who cannot afford things but still want to live like champagne charlie but

only earning lemonade money

if everyone live by their means instead of beyond it then we would'nt be in this mess