UK Based Chipping Service


Inactive User
Nov 19, 2005
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I have a PS2 v14 and a Crystal Chip v1.0

However, having investigated the size of the PCB wiring I think this is beyond me.

Does anyone know of a UK based chipping service?


as far as i am aware, it is not legal to chip your playstation in the uk, but if anyone wants to help you, then please offer in a pm.
From what I have gathered it is still legal to chip a PS2 but only to play imported games, thats why if you notice all the top makes of PS2 chips now offer a downloadable firmware so you can play copied games.

@Dingotest I will send you a pm of a company I found on the net, if you live near manchester, bowlers has a computer fair on every weekend and you can take your PS2 down and there are a couple of guys there that will chip it while you wait and you can see it working infront of you.
Sorry one more thing,
Why dont you just go for the swap disk way?
Alot easier and safer and 100% legal.
Im sure it is illegal to chip the ps,would deffo go the swap magic route myself works 100% (for me) ;)
If it was still illigal why are some companies still offering this service?
Just do a search on google and you can see them still advertising the sale of and fitting of mod chips.
zab just because its being offered on the net dosent mean its legal ;)just found this

In July 2004, mod-chip seller David Ball was ruled by the English High Court to have violated the Copyright and Related Rights Regulations Act of 2003, the UK's enactment of the European Union Copyright Directive (EUCD) - Europe's answer to the DMCA - for selling 1500 Messiah 2 chips which enabled the PlayStation 2's copy protection scheme to be bypassed.

And last month, a 22-year-old Caerphilly man became the first Briton to receive a criminal conviction for selling modified Xbox consoles via the web.
Interesting reading, I new the chips were illigal but I thought it had something to do with the firmware on the chip itself, looks like I was wrong again lol.
I wasnt 100% sure myself m8 so after reading the posts decided to do a search :)at least we know now lol
why spend more money and have to open up the case and solder when u can use the Swap Magic ;) easy peasy :Hit:
Well saying that I installed a Infinity homebrew 2 days ago for my 6 year old on his PS2 slim, that was quite easy to do. Didnt want to get him the swap disk coz I knew he wouldnt manage.