Two players for 'Modern Warfare 2' co-op


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Jul 5, 2001
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Infinity Ward has said that Modern Warfare 2’s co-op mode will be capped at two players to avoid confusion.

Director of communications Robert Bowling revealed that he did not want to ruin the main campaign by inserting co-operative play so opted to put it in separate mode Special Ops.

"We don’t do co-op in our story because we’re crafting a very specific experience and we don’t want to ruin that by cramming co-op into it. We take the moments that work really well with co-op, we bring them out and we put them in Special Ops," he told Videogamer.

"[In Special Ops,] it’s all about fun. It’s about playing over and over again, getting a better time – you’ll have a time at the end of it – it’s about challenging a friend going in on co-op and trying to beat it on veteran."

He claimed that any more than two players would have been confusing, saying: "Two player seemed to be the magic number for co-op. That’s when it stayed really fun and intense without becoming a cluster**** of things.

"We just found that two-players was the most fun."

Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, will be released on 360, PS3 and PC on November 17.
yea i suppose thats true....4 players in World at War was too less action really, but i think if they thought it out better it would be good fun
I think this is a shame :(

Conflict Global Storm 4 man Co-op was a great experience on the PS2, n the Co-op in WAW 4 up ain't that bad I've had quite a grin.

The more the merrier.

The problem is getting 4 people to co-operate!