Tosspot car drivers....

I didnt say they pulled over to the hard shoulder did I ? you can move over within your own lane to create more room up the middle.

And why is it that at a set of lights some car drivers insist on thinking that because your on a bike they have to race you when it turns green ?

Oh and you always get the boy racers in their 1 litre corsa with a boom box blastin,

I think everyone should be made to sample biking life, car drivers that also ride bike are always better drivers and more aware of things happening around them ;)

Whats the with attatude lol Was trying to give you advice considering you just said they pull you over on the other page and you where getting tired of it.

Mabey your paroide and think everone trying to race you?

Yea you do But it dosnt bother me :)

And no i wouldnt get on a bike if you payed me lol!
dutcho you took the words right out of my mouth.

i was gonna say if you all ridden a bike for a few years then went back to driving, you would all see a different perspective.

i used to ride a bike but only for 3-4 years then i went onto a car, i understand that if you see bikers coming through traffic, moving or not, just move over a bit if ya can and let em pass, its not like letting him pass is gonna make whole lot of difference to the traffic anyway. you do get some idiots but you get them no matter what vehicle you drive. if you purpossly dont let the rider through your an idiot aswell.

i also check my mirrors now and i check my left mirror more when am turning left at a junction cause you never now where they are.

every one can blame car drivers, riders, lorry drivers etc but its down to the driver itself.

Your totally right, Ir ember a guy blocked a biker off to the right of me and got very close - I then moved over and to the left and used a big of the hard sholder, the biker got though and give me the thumbs up lol.

Your totally right though its defo down to the driver!
Yeah ok fair enough but motorbikes are narrow enough to do this and I think most car drivers get annoyed because they can't do the same thing, plenty car drivers out there that undertake on dual carriage ways and motorways, in fact 2 weeks ago travelling over the A69 towards Carlisle about 20 miles out of Newcastle I saw a dickhead flying up behind me so I pulled over after I got past the car in front and he then proceeded to undertake a van, the van driver then started to pull over and almost collided with said dickhead coming up his inside, van swerves back to his right and almost hits central reservation, could have been a nasty accident all because Mr car driver was too impatient and I've seen it loads.

do u know why a lot of drivers undertake??
its because the driver they undertake does not know the first rule of the highway code
and that is ????

keep left
they all do it on the motorways drive in the middle lane cos the inside lane is the slow lane

bollox the inside lane is the driving lane
the middle lane is an overtaking lane as is the outside lane

on a dual carridge way the left lane is a driving lane and the outside lane is a overtaking lane
if u drive on the middle or outside lane on a motorway u are basicly making the motorway a 2 lane road
so to stop ppl undertaking


easy isnt it
I have read through all the post on this, so here goes my ten pence worth!
I'm A biker (when i have a bike, not at the mo) and have been riding for about 20 years.
I'm a Car Driver and have been driving for about 25 years.
I Drive A Transit Tipper for work (twin wheel rear axel, which makes it HGV class) and tow a plant trailer , so i'm articulated on the road.
There are Good and Bad Drivers/riders on the roads in General.
When you first Pass your driving test, all the rules and regs are to an extent still fresh in your mind although the one thing you lack is experience on the road.
Some Younger drivers tend to push the limits a bit of their vehicles and due to a lack of training /roadcraft & experience it usually ends up with a Bang of some sort.
Most of us have been there in our youth and as a youngster i thought i was almost imortal and did some pretty stupid stunts, one of which could have cost me my life ( but for a full roll cage, im still here to tell the tale).
A true Boy racer i was indeed, with modified cars, tuned to the max.
That accident made me realise that there was place for Driving competatively and it was not on the road, as you are simply playing russian rouhlette with your own life and those of other road users.
I got involved in the Motorsport scene, mainly Rallying at clubman level and i loved every minute of it.
You get to drive fast in a supervised and up to a point somewhat contolled enviroment ( put it this way, you aint gonna hit someone coming the other way on a blind bend on the wrong side of the road).
The cars are modified for Safety more than they are for performance and you soon learn that crashes hurt!!!!!!!
I learned alot of skill and techniques that have made me a safer driver today on the roads.
What i'm getting at is that learning roadcraft on the track, whether it be In a Car or on a bike , will in turn improve your everyday Driving/Riding.
The problem is when people see the public highway as the race track and thats when people get seriously injured and Killed.

As a biker, i have to be aware that i'm more vunerable than the car drivers and make myself as visible as possible to them and give them a chance to realise that i'm there.
You soon learn to process information (potentail hazzards) quicker than in a car, simply because you arrive at them sooner.
That does not mean that you are speeding, just that a bike accelerates faster than most cars even within the speed limits.
Hazard perception and judgement of speed and distance on a bike as a matter of survival.
I'm no saint and have had more than my fair share of fines and points for speeding (now with no points) over the years, but as you get older (i'm only 40 btw) you tend to calm down a bit and realise that if you contine to ride at 170mph on the roads then the chances of you dying increase.
leave that for the track days.
I now have A wife and 2 kids that i think would miss me.
Most bikers ride because of the sense of freedom and the adrenaline buzz.
That and the fact that one a bike, you have the ability to filter through congested traffic.
Something that in turn sems to irritate some car drivers to the point that they feel the need to deliberately block the gap.
You are tought to filter through traffic on your bike training & test, as long as its safe to do so and you are not endangering your own life and the same of other road users.
In other words (dont deliberately, put yourself in a dangerous and comprimising position).
I have travelled thousands of miles up and down the motorways of this country in previous employment and have seen many silly and downright stupid (near fatal) mistakes.
Most of which are caused by a lack of Observation of other road users actions.
Checking your mirrors frequently leads to you being more aware of what is going on around you.
Dont take your eyes of the road in front of you for to long, just a glance every now and then is enough.
If you allowing enough safe braking ditance, then you should be able to stop (even if the car in front brakes at the very second you look in the mirrors).
In anyone on her thinks that not using your mirrors is good driving, then simply place your guide dog on the roof of your car and he will show you the way to A&E.
Because eventually thats where you will end up, or at worst take take some other poor innocent s*d with you!
Just maybe if we all stopped blaming each others poor driving and took a long hard look at our own faults and at least tried to correct them by being more observant and considerate to other road users, then there would be fewer accidents.
Wether its Car drivers/bikers or Hgv drivers, just put yourself in the others shoes for a minute.
Vehicles dont kill people, BAD drivers Do!!!!!!!!!!
just read this thread and have to say the last to two threads are spot on. david h and stihl260. Iv'e been driving 17 year and currently do ~ 20k miles per year in a car. does that make me a good driver - does it fook.

something needs changing in this country drastically (regarding driving lessons or tests) - because 90% of the people on the road today have got absolutely no awareness.
bear in mind i have never rode a motorbike-but i have got no problem with one overtaking me- its not like davidblane made the biker suddenly appear from nowhere. sod speedlimits - in the right conditions a biker doing 130 is safer than your average commuter retard doing 27mph in a national speed limit zone with zero aareness flahing their headlights while being overtaken on a 'roman' roaD.
Maybe those on 2 wheels should realise how vulnerable they are before they undertake slide between two cars on the motorway doing 70, overtake on single lane roads, use the countryside as a racetrack, ride along in someone blind spot, weave in and out of traffic. Hey i've no problem them weaving in stationary/almost stationary traffic, but they do it all the time (and it's not a small percentage but the overwhelming majority that do it).

And when a motorbike hits a small car, the driver of the car quite often gets hurt too.
fair enough - if biker spends more than a couple of seconds next to a cars C post then they should at least anticaipate that they are in a blind spot - al rest of points in this quote are bad driving.

.As far as I can see- any overtaking maneouvre should be done as quickly possible
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i drive the same route every day to work- and so do a lot of other people. so why flash lights at being overtaken?? what is so scary about driving on a country road?? maybe you should pull your seat back abit so your forehead does not leave a print on the windscreen.

heres some top trump card stats that i have seen.

Alfa brero
top speed in a 60: 40
top speed in a 30: 45
brake light ratio 20:1

jaguar XKR
top speed in a 60: 40
top speed in a 30: 40
brake light ratio 1:1

rover 75
top speed in a 60: 37
top speed in a 30:??
brake light ratio 0:1
(this guy left his main beam on after being overtaken on a perfect piece of straight road) at 7:12am.
visibility dawn but clear
completely dry.

ive been cycling on road for about 4 month now aswell. its only a matter of time b4 im knocked off. surely everyone knows that when climbing a hill you have to swing handlebars a bit from side to side. and please mr driver, when overtaking me please give me some room.
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I drive an XL long wheel base VW Crafter van for work, it's about the length of 2 Ford Focus's.


I do about 1000 miles a week sometimes more. Bikers don't bother me one bit, it's like David said it's the wankers who trundle along in the fast or middle lane at 50 or 60 while the road ahead is clear an I'm wanting to get past to get to work an get the job done.

I undertake quite regularly during the daylight hours because it's the only way of getting past the idiots who make the road congested by dawdling. I work nights so I travel to work during the late afternoon, but travel home in the early hours of the morning. The thing that really grates me, is when I'm happily driving along in the left hand lane and some knob decides he's gonna drive down the middle making me move over to the far right then back over to the far left.

FFS if theirs nothing in front of you, why do some people feel the need to drive straight down the middle?

Maybe they know they are crap drivers and feel safer with 2 empty lanes either side.

Like has been posted previously there are good and bad drivers for all types of vehicles, I nearly wiped out some idiot on a scooter thing the other day because he was trying to overtake and his piss poor engine wouldn't get him past me he must have been along side me for a couple of miles and when you drive a fairly long vehicle there are many blind spots, and unlike a car I have no windows behind me to look out of I have to rely on my blindspot mirrors which aint the best tbh. I was about to overtake the car in front and only as I started to move over he appeared in my blindspot mirror.

There have been incidents with cars not just bikes it's just the bike was the more recent one.
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Fook the lot of you, how the hell do you think i feel.....??

have you stolen that off clarkson

remember the bbc sketch on topgear his was blue
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I agree with most of the posts above and there are tosspots driving all sorts of vehicles on the roads.
However when I do look in my rearview mirror and see a bike behind I do have to be extra cautious (I shouldn't have to be any more cautious because its a bike) because 95% of the time they will do something incredibly idiotic and dangerous. Its exactly the same when I see a boyracer.
Near on a 100% of bikers complain about idiotic drivers yet probably 95% of bikers have horrendous driving habits, they should look a little closer to home. Obviously the 5% that are safe frequent this site.

As posted earlier, lane hogging really pi$$es me off too, I try to avoid undertaking as much as possible.
have you stolen that off clarkson

remember the bbc sketch on topgear his was blue

Oh aye mate, it was the first thing that came into ma head when a saw this thread.
A would love one of those wee cars for running about
we all can rant who is the worst, cars,vans,bikes etc etc, i drive about 6000 mile a month on the great british motorways . i have had 2 friends who was bikers , wiped out by under taking etc, in the last 3 year . in my eyes bikers are a law to them selfs, nipping in and out, lorry drivers get on my tits by just pulling out and making everybody slam on, then taking 5 mile to try an overtake and pulling back in as they have failed to pass the other for car/van drivers they all seem lane 2/3 is there to sit in, eg, on the A1 the other day lane 2 was full of traffic doing 40 mph, i went into lane 1, passed em all and pulled out when i needed to, about a mile later, they all look at you gone out when i under take em . what we need is lane discipline like they have in france etc etc.
what you need most of you is to take another driveing test motorbike dont have the right of way / sitting at traffic light they if they are behine you that where they should stay take your turn after all how about manners,secound of all the van on the road today to big, cant see though them rude drivers and most of the time are breaking the law van driver in 30miles zone 45 miles a hour on motor way overtakeing 60 miles a hour motorbike in 30miles zone same as motorway 90 miles a hour / oh before you say anythink took 2 driveing test pass both done 4 week course on how to handle a car van landrover lorry on slip pan on road with insruters map reading use of correct lanes on motorways 12 test papers on correct road use . and what i see of the drivers on the roads these day well 85% of you should not be allowed to drive out of the 85% is 65% van drivers
what you need most of you is to take another driveing test motorbike dont have the right of way / sitting at traffic light they if they are behine you that where they should stay take your turn after all how about manners,secound of all the van on the road today to big, cant see though them rude drivers and most of the time are breaking the law van driver in 30miles zone 45 miles a hour on motor way overtakeing 60 miles a hour motorbike in 30miles zone same as motorway 90 miles a hour / oh before you say anythink took 2 driveing test pass both done 4 week course on how to handle a car van landrover lorry on slip pan on road with insruters map reading use of correct lanes on motorways 12 test papers on correct road use . and what i see of the drivers on the roads these day well 85% of you should not be allowed to drive out of the 85% is 65% van drivers

Did you stop for breath at any point in that sentence?:proud:
what you need most of you is to take another driveing test motorbike dont have the right of way / sitting at traffic light they if they are behine you that where they should stay take your turn after all how about manners,secound of all the van on the road today to big, cant see though them rude drivers and most of the time are breaking the law van driver in 30miles zone 45 miles a hour on motor way overtakeing 60 miles a hour motorbike in 30miles zone same as motorway 90 miles a hour / oh before you say anythink took 2 driveing test pass both done 4 week course on how to handle a car van landrover lorry on slip pan on road with insruters map reading use of correct lanes on motorways 12 test papers on correct road use . and what i see of the drivers on the roads these day well 85% of you should not be allowed to drive out of the 85% is 65% van drivers

Do you ever have issues reading any road signs?
I think everyone should be made to sample biking life, car drivers that also ride bike are always better drivers and more aware of things happening around them ;)

Couldn't agree more, since i passed my Bike test 10 years ago, it has definitely made me a better driver.

Not that i was a bad one to start with lol but you start having to watch all the other idiots on the road who think their indicators are warning beacons for everyone else to slow down as they are pulling over no matter what.

Everyone should be made to either resit their test every 10 years or put them out on 2 wheels.
I ride sportsbikes , for pleasure not commuting
i drive to work , drive most of day company car.
The ONLY thing that creeps me out when i am on my BIKE is going past junctions with cars waiting to pull out ! Some drivers(old dug up kind) just have NO sense of distance/speed of a passing vehicle , especially them OLD fukkers who cant even walk never mind drive , with glasses on that are bigger than the windscreen ! I seriously think that an age limit should be put in place
maybe 21-70 ?

In the car , i ALWAYS look out for bikers and will pull over slightly if 1 is behind me . But the ONLY things that bothers me in the car .
17 year old drivers the cd player is dearer than the fukkin saxo it is in !! they piss me right off ! take the big bore loud sound off and the doors will fall off !
old doddering farts are way too indecisive to be alive never mind drivin ffs !!
also ... MWAY drivin i hate it !! i hate big lorrys in middle lane takin over another lorry in the slow lane (these battles can last 1 hour) and hold up the entire fukkin nation !!!
you cant get in the fast lane to take over cause sum bird is doin 50 mph puttin her fukkin make up on while writing her shoppin list !

ok im getin annoyed now so ill stop hahahaha
what you need most of you is to take another driveing test motorbike dont have the right of way / sitting at traffic light they if they are behine you that where they should stay take your turn after all how about manners,secound of all the van on the road today to big, cant see though them rude drivers and most of the time are breaking the law van driver in 30miles zone 45 miles a hour on motor way overtakeing 60 miles a hour motorbike in 30miles zone same as motorway 90 miles a hour / oh before you say anythink took 2 driveing test pass both done 4 week course on how to handle a car van landrover lorry on slip pan on road with insruters map reading use of correct lanes on motorways 12 test papers on correct road use . and what i see of the drivers on the roads these day well 85% of you should not be allowed to drive out of the 85% is 65% van drivers

Sorry but I hope to God you are foreign ( I don't mean that in any condescending way) because if that is the level of grammer that is churned out in our schools nowadays then the country is well and truly fukt.

When you talk about the 'test papers' that you passed, they must have been practical/aural exams surely?
Sorry but I hope to God you are foreign ( I don't mean that in any condescending way) because if that is the level of grammer that is churned out in our schools nowadays then the country is well and truly fukt.

When you talk about the 'test papers' that you passed, they must have been practical/aural exams surely?

sorry should of told you it was advances driveing school