Tosspot car drivers....

I'm not talking about switching lanes, I'm talking about motorcycles slipping between cars in adjacent lanes when traffic is moving (not in jams).

Yeah ok fair enough but motorbikes are narrow enough to do this and I think most car drivers get annoyed because they can't do the same thing, plenty car drivers out there that undertake on dual carriage ways and motorways, in fact 2 weeks ago travelling over the A69 towards Carlisle about 20 miles out of Newcastle I saw a dickhead flying up behind me so I pulled over after I got past the car in front and he then proceeded to undertake a van, the van driver then started to pull over and almost collided with said dickhead coming up his inside, van swerves back to his right and almost hits central reservation, could have been a nasty accident all because Mr car driver was too impatient and I've seen it loads.

One thing that gets my back up while riding is when you see a car stop at a side junction and you know the fecker has seen you but he/she decides to pull forward that extra bit in front of you to get out into the road, so you end up hitting the brake and getting ready to swerve round them.
Tailgaiters, i fucking hate with a passion even more so after being re-ended but why the need to sit smiling inches off your back wheel.
Filtering is legal to do so why not, you can sit there with the radio on and the heater on full smoking a ciggie in the pissin down rain while we trundle by, cursing the weather lol
Every 10 seconds you should check mirrors and speed, pure bollox mate.

I am not a perfect driver, but havent had an accident in 14years of driving and I do a fair few miles.

Edit: Just had a quick look on a few websites, some say every 10 seconds which is just retarded but the most say regularly which I agree with. However i'm not sure why this makes it acceptable for Bikes to ignore the rules of the road.

I didnt say it was - But you said above why check your mirrors if your going forward witch i replyed to, so dont go on the defensive because i stated a bit of IAM Knowlage lol.

And its not just bikers, car drivers are fannies too, If your check your mirrors, dont drive like a twat look far enough head and drive defensivlly and pay attentaion then you wont crash - Belive me i'v had two accidents in three years of driving - went into the back of someone and the other was pulled out on someone with no headlights on, i decided enough is enough and did IAM Skill for life training and it improved my driving no end! It also improved finding the idots on the road and avoiding them!

And whats it say in there about bikers filtering ect? suppose thats fine and i suppose thats taught when you learn to ride.

put it this way if im doing 40 in a 40 zone why would i be needing to check my mirrors for bikers? (i do check my mirrors btw, habit, but its not brought on for the benefit of bikers) surely if there going past me doing 40 in a 40 then there breaking the speed limit?

from what ive seen on the road and i dont care what anyone thinks as this is my opinion and from my experiences most bikers are dickends and think they own the road then when they get themselves into trouble they blame the driver for not looking, utter bollocks.

and im not talking about random traffic accidents where a car driver didnt see a bike coming down the road and pulls out in front of them, im talking about the filtering and overtaking undercutting speeding ect... so dont quote my post for your own ends with a stupid reply which has nothing to do with my point.

oh and dazza it was davidh not mr d.

Im not sure, I know in the car one it says allways look in your mirrors for bikers when statonery on the moterway and dont block them off ect give them extra room so as far as i know its allowed, and i dont mind them doing it as long as there enough room and they dont take the side of my car oot lol

I have a rule, anything under 30 on a motorway and I'll start filtering, it's not always the car drivers that don't see us thats the problem it's the pricks that do.

Oh look at that bike not getting jammed up in the traffic I think i'll pull over on him, knob heads, happens all the time.

If you have never rode a bike, and from reading the comments I don't think some of you have, then you wont understand how quickly a bike can get upto the speed limit of the road and thats what catches you out.

There are sooo many blind spots on a car and lazy drivers just dont look twice to check, if it anit big then it anit there.

If they pull you over on the moterway mate on the hard sholder - Get there numbers as there suppost to have a emergcy reson or valid reason to pull you over mate!

What im trying to say is ther fanny drivers everywhere its not just bikers/car drivers, everywhere You just need to pay attention and anticapate as much as you can and put up with it!
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I dont mind bike drivers. I would actually llove to learn how to ride a bike.

But what i really hate is a bike overtaking everyone on the wrong side of the road with traffic coming. I dont move over i just carry on personally and if they collide head on then not my problem they were on the wrong side of the road they arent blind they can see me coming.
I commute to work on a push-rod and it got so dangerous I sold my road bike and now have a mountain bike which allows me to get there 90% off the roads.

I have booted more cars than I care to remember, every one of them an arsehole.

The number of times I have had near misses got me that worked up when I was cycling that I got to ride offensively, which is probably what pisses some people off.

I could be 20yds from a red light and slowing down but some cock would find it necessary to accelerate past me, swerve in front and jam on the brakes 6" from the pavement.

When I leave my house I go downhill and would regularly hit 30mph yet it seemed a had a sign on my arse that said 'please pass at whatever cost, my 30mph is different to yours!'.

Lorry drivers who think that once the cab has cleared me the trailer will follow. Wrong fat boy, the trailer follows the shortest route you should know that.

And don't get me started on Skip waggon drivers.

jeez now I think of it I have loads n loads of examples, so prevent a rant i am going to stop now.

I commute to work on a push-rod and it got so dangerous I sold my road bike and now have a mountain bike which allows me to get there 90% off the roads.

I have booted more cars than I care to remember, every one of them an arsehole.

The number of times I have had near misses got me that worked up when I was cycling that I got to ride offensively, which is probably what pisses some people off.

I could be 20yds from a red light and slowing down but some cock would find it necessary to accelerate past me, swerve in front and jam on the brakes 6" from the pavement.

When I leave my house I go downhill and would regularly hit 30mph yet it seemed a had a sign on my arse that said 'please pass at whatever cost, my 30mph is different to yours!'.

Lorry drivers who think that once the cab has cleared me the trailer will follow. Wrong fat boy, the trailer follows the shortest route you should know that.

And don't get me started on Skip waggon drivers.

jeez now I think of it I have loads n loads of examples, so prevent a rant i am going to stop now.

Them feckers need a whole new rant of their own mate.
my route to work goes past a scrap yard so i quite often follow them and not once have i seen one with a net covering the load, just last week a beemer a few cars infront swerved to miss some object that dropped off one.
Yeah ok fair enough but motorbikes are narrow enough to do this and I think most car drivers get annoyed because they can't do the same thing, plenty car drivers out there that undertake on dual carriage ways and motorways, in fact 2 weeks ago travelling over the A69 towards Carlisle about 20 miles out of Newcastle I saw a dickhead flying up behind me so I pulled over after I got past the car in front and he then proceeded to undertake a van, the van driver then started to pull over and almost collided with said dickhead coming up his inside, van swerves back to his right and almost hits central reservation, could have been a nasty accident all because Mr car driver was too impatient and I've seen it loads.


You're right, cars that undertake wind me up even more and I think they are complete cocks. However cars that do it tend to be the minority whereas it is the majority of bikers that do it yet then start shouting about drivers not looking for them.

A few people seem to have missed the filtering point, I don't think anybody on here minds them filtering in stationary/very slow moving traffic, doing it at 70mph is just dangerous and is called undertaking (you do that and get hit it is your fault and will very likely end up in your death at that speed).
You're right, cars that undertake wind me up even more and I think they are complete cocks. However cars that do it tend to be the minority whereas it is the majority of bikers that do it yet then start shouting about drivers not looking for them.

A few people seem to have missed the filtering point, I don't think anybody on here minds them filtering in stationary/very slow moving traffic, doing it at 70mph is just dangerous and is called undertaking (you do that and get hit it is your fault and will very likely end up in your death at that speed).

I agree with you pal but the strange thing is that in the US undertaking is the norm and I, probably like a few others here, have driven a lot over there and somehow it works.

I don't know if its because everyone does drive a lot slower or that they are more chilled out but whatever the reason it works.

I agree with you pal but the strange thing is that in the US undertaking is the norm and I, probably like a few others here, have driven a lot over there and somehow it works.

I don't know if its because everyone does drive a lot slower or that they are more chilled out but whatever the reason it works.


In the states I don't think they actually have a fast lane as such. However the roads over there tend to be a lot wider and with much less traffic.
Also there is a different onus as you would be expecting fast moving traffic to be in any lane, here we don't expect it and so we don't necessarily always look out for it.
I could fill this forum up with moans about car drivers who for some reason, never see the biker. I know alot of bikers are tosspots too 'cos they think they are indestructible but I see many more car drivers who dont realise how vulnerable 2 wheels are. Goes for motorcycles or pedal cycles. Give us a break.

i know what your saying mate but there lots of two wheelers out there that come up both sides of the cars to overtake and think that its ok cause they can fit there bike in to overtake ETC then if anything happends its the car drivers fault dont get me wrong some car drivers think there f1 drivers and shouldnt be over taking so really i think its a 50-50% in both sides who is in the wrong
If they pull you over on the moterway mate on the hard sholder - Get there numbers as there suppost to have a emergcy reson or valid reason to pull you over mate!

I didnt say they pulled over to the hard shoulder did I ? you can move over within your own lane to create more room up the middle.

And why is it that at a set of lights some car drivers insist on thinking that because your on a bike they have to race you when it turns green ?

Oh and you always get the boy racers in their 1 litre corsa with a boom box blastin,

I think everyone should be made to sample biking life, car drivers that also ride bike are always better drivers and more aware of things happening around them ;)
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car drivers that also ride bike are always better drivers and more aware of things happening around them ;)

That must be when they get off their bikes and into their cars because I don't see a lot of evidence of that when they are on their bikes.
dutcho you took the words right out of my mouth.

i was gonna say if you all ridden a bike for a few years then went back to driving, you would all see a different perspective.

i used to ride a bike but only for 3-4 years then i went onto a car, i understand that if you see bikers coming through traffic, moving or not, just move over a bit if ya can and let em pass, its not like letting him pass is gonna make whole lot of difference to the traffic anyway. you do get some idiots but you get them no matter what vehicle you drive. if you purpossly dont let the rider through your an idiot aswell.

i also check my mirrors now and i check my left mirror more when am turning left at a junction cause you never now where they are.

every one can blame car drivers, riders, lorry drivers etc but its down to the driver itself.

i can be an idiot sometimes on the road but not all the time and never with a rider cause i no the consequences.

best and cheapest way to find out what its like as a rider, while your on holiday abroad, get on a moped and see how you feel with them maniacs abroad driving like they do in there cars, youll soon see sense.
dutcho you took the words right out of my mouth.

i was gonna say if you all ridden a bike for a few years then went back to driving, you would all see a different perspective.

i used to ride a bike but only for 3-4 years then i went onto a car, i understand that if you see bikers coming through traffic, moving or not, just move over a bit if ya can and let em pass, its not like letting him pass is gonna make whole lot of difference to the traffic anyway. you do get some idiots but you get them no matter what vehicle you drive. if you purpossly dont let the rider through your an idiot aswell.

i also check my mirrors now and i check my left mirror more when am turning left at a junction cause you never now where they are.

every one can blame car drivers, riders, lorry drivers etc but its down to the driver itself.

i can be an idiot sometimes on the road but not all the time and never with a rider cause i no the consequences.

best and cheapest way to find out what its like as a rider, while your on holiday abroad, get on a moped and see how you feel with them maniacs abroad driving like they do in there cars, youll soon see sense.

Don't really need to ride a bike to understand the dangers, that's why I choose not to ride a bike.
Riding a bike abroad to learn this is incredibly poor advice, you look at any holiday website worth its salt you will be advised DO NOT hire a bike.

I treat a bike rider as I do any other vehicle on the road (with the exception of giving them space to get past in traffic jams). If the bike rider requires me to taylor my driving style around them then they are doing something very wrong.
Don't really need to ride a bike to understand the dangers, that's why I choose not to ride a bike.
Riding a bike abroad to learn this is incredibly poor advice, you look at any holiday website worth its salt you will be advised DO NOT hire a bike.

I treat a bike rider as I do any other vehicle on the road (with the exception of giving them space to get past in traffic jams). If the bike rider requires me to taylor my driving style around them then they are doing something very wrong.

well if you dont wanna take extra care looking in your mirrors more, taking precautions incase a biker is there, then thats up to you.

as for holiday advise, they say dont do a lot of things but if you didnt then why not just stay in your room 24/7, they say dont drink alchohol while in the sun but then again i better do as they say.
Fook the lot of you, how the hell do you think i feel.....??
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