Tits !


DW Member ++
Apr 18, 2004
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I love this time of the year .
It is a hive of activity in my back garden
I have baby blue tits, in my tit box , mother is going frantic feeding them ,
and the same goes for the robins nesting in one of my bushes !
Any other nature lovers on here ?
I see tits, they are usually pissed going pass my house at 1 in the poxy morning.
Never had swallows .
But next door to me , have house martins later in the year ,they have been using the same nest for years .
i had lots of tits last year, i have a seed feeding thingy, still get the odd one coming in though.
The problem i have is cats they have scared them away, i need to get rid of the cats but dont know how, i got one of those cat alarm, seems to got rid of some of the cats but still a few pass through my garden
Had six sparrows mooching around the birdtable yesterday. Great to see them bouncing about, boing, boing, boing, lol. Have to ensure the cat's in the house when they're feeding, though. They're at bottom end of garden, so even if the cat saw them, she'd be too slow anyway.
i found a blackbirds nest in my hedge, seen a dead youngen lying on the ground, thats why i looked for the nest, when i looked in the nest, i found another dead youngin, bleedin cats again i think.
Live inner-city, but surprizingly we've got Robins, a Bat, hedgehogs, squirrals and a family of foxes about 6 of them which wonder around the back gardens most mornings
i got starlings nesting in my rafters, every year. they are one hella noisey bunch, the babies cheep constantly for food. then you go outside in the evening, it's like that carling advert, swooping round the skies making very very very very very annoying screeches, for hours. i hate it.