Timeshift Error

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I think I've got media/hdd/movies
I'll look for Playlist Button when I'm home
Regards & Thanks
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I think I've got media/hdd/movies
I'll look for Playlist Button when I'm home
Regards & Thanks
It may be that on some images, usb drives are used as media/hdd/movies on say ATV but PLI uses media/usb/movies for usb drives.

If you record and the playlist button open it jobs a good un.
Well it all seems good, recorded and found it fine using "Playlist"
So now could you put another Pint on the list please?
Can't delete the recording " delete failed Trashcan directory not found"
Still have couple of problems
a/ Timeshift seems to be running all the time can I stop it or remove as I do not use?
b/ With the USB drive it recognises it and has Timeshift Folder, but doesn't seem to add Movie Folder, so all recordings are going straight to the root of the USB which the Octagon can not find

To disable timeshift it is something along the lines of this, sorry at work not in front of one to check.

Menu-Setup-Recordings and Timeshift-Timeshift Settings,-Autostart and select Disabled
Try it later, thanks
How about creating Folder for Movie?
at the moment it is saving in media/HDD

Check your mount point first to see what its using.

media/usb or media/hdd

You could then just FTP in add the movie folder and set the folder permission to 777 and reboot.