Tier testing advice needed.


Inactive User
Nov 17, 2005
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Hi all.
Here's what I want to do.
I want to test some rom images I have been fiddling with, before burning them to a MOSC.
I want to take a rom10/11 image edited with varying tiers, and pop it onto an OPOS or TIT2 card to test and check for OTP markings.
Until now, no matter what I do with the image, even removing all standard tiers, and putting it on an OPOS or TIT2 card, I still get all channels open.
I guess it's the tit and opos software on the cards that's giving all channels even without tiers, and if so is there a way to prevent all channels being open?
Could anyone advise where I'm going wrong ?
Hi all.
Here's what I want to do.
I want to test some rom images I have been fiddling with, before burning them to a MOSC.
I want to take a rom10/11 image edited with varying tiers, and pop it onto an OPOS or TIT2 card to test and check for OTP markings.
Until now, no matter what I do with the image, even removing all standard tiers, and putting it on an OPOS or TIT2 card, I still get all channels open.
I guess it's the tit and opos software on the cards that's giving all channels even without tiers, and if so is there a way to prevent all channels being open?
Could anyone advise where I'm going wrong ?

I think the standard action of these cards is to enable everything so there is probably little you can do about it. Direct channel selection may well work whatever you do. EPG channel selection should be different though !

In the EPG, you should be able to see which channels are enabled and which channels are not. Channels which are selectable will be included in your card tiers. Any channel which is greyed out or non selectable is not included in your card tiers list.
Thank you nozzer for the reply.
I could see in the EPG/guide, what channels were active for the tiers i was running, but the box is so painfully slow scrolling down through the channel list, I just hoped there was a way these cards could only open the channels specified in the tiers.
No worries thanks for the help.
As Nozzer mentioned and to add, as slow as it may be you are not killing cards.
You can use the page up/down buttons to speed things up slightly :)
Cheers ByteMaster.
I know slow scrolling beats losing moscs, but my head was melting from the hours os fiddling with tiers and stuff, and it seemed like it took forever to see what I needed to see :(
Got there in the end tho, and the end result is now "testing" and hopefully tomorrow, I'll have something to smile about :eek: