This Years Donations

i must admit i havent donated, always meant to, never got round to it, but the amount i've got out of this, i will if you set up the account..

Why not lock certain sections for those who have donated, given you havent done this already, we know its not all about cash only for you guys, so most if not all would understand ?
I will probably donate, waiting to see if I still have a job however since our contract has been taken over by another company :-(
Count me in again just let me know how and when. My M8's have saved my bacomn so many times with their help. It's true I'm old and grey but they do help to keep me sane except I haven't found a cure for Souness disease yet!!! Any ideas??

Can you add me to the listas well please...

Keep up the good work.

Count me in

Hi All

Gotta say this is the only site I pay a sub to, and I don't begrudge paying it one bit. Keep it up guys (and girls?)

i have no money to donate - hence the need to hack and not pay for tv, but anyway how did you/admin manage to email me as its turned off in my userCP??
not been about for a while due to work pressures, but count me in again, let me know how and when, thx to all.
I will kindly donate to this forum, please tell me how?
You betcha i will

Best site I know it would be just plain rude not to donate thank you for all the help:proud: