### The_Don_v2 Feedback!! ###

this has been talked about and the sleeptimer has been disabled and will only activate once you use it

@ Suggestion Dont Touch it and you will never get a problem with it as its switched to off lol


thanks yido looks like a reflash! lol

first problem im having is the myservices.xml. i copied the one i had from njl which worked but it doesnt seem to work on this image. anyone know if i need to chnge it at all?
Haven't messed about with different images for a while but just for some reason got tempted to try this.

Well what can I say? It's very very good and I love the extra feature on the infobar.
Scanning worked perfect first time, really like the setmylocation. Very easy to use for thickos like me:proud:
Had a few problems initially with stability but all seems fine now. Everthing is set up exactly the same as the previous image (DW02) I was using and it's all working fine. Recording/streaming is perfect atm.

Would just like to say thanks to The Don, well done lad and keep up the good work.:Clap: :Clap:
I think the problems people are having with the services.xml are because of the attributes of the file, perhaps chmod 755 would make this better.

as there was a few bugs with a couple of you to do with the sleeptimer

we have got rid of that menu for you

me and renwich are going to do a one off joint venture to give us a little experience and i think it will be even a better image for you all to use

so i hope you are all happy that 2 people are going to do a ver3

but he has got to do other things first then he will be with me and its gonna be fun

thanks to all that gave a positive feedback and those that gave constructed ones as you have helped me to want to improve it even more
thanks mate this is working a treat

sagem 2x

only setting different is evocamd


as there was a few bugs with a couple of you to do with the sleeptimer

we have got rid of that menu for you

me and renwich are going to do a one off joint venture to give us a little experience and i think it will be even a better image for you all to use

so i hope you are all happy that 2 people are going to do a ver3

but he has got to do other things first then he will be with me and its gonna be fun

thanks to all that gave a positive feedback and those that gave constructed ones as you have helped me to want to improve it even more

very fasinating m8

looking forward to giving this one a go m8

the two of you im sure will make a very good image

if you need any testing or anything let me know i will be please to offer my assistance m8

I'm happy with the image, some good features :)

The only problem i am having is with the fast scan, i set my location, reboot, do a scan, then it doesn't seem to do anything, it says the scan has finished, & then get the message that no channels were found.

Also if i do a scan with channels that i've ftp'd to the box it deletes all the channels, no matter what setting i have it on (leave current etc i've tried it on all of them) on pachino v2 i had the quick scan settings as:

Net ID 41048
Freq: 459000
Sym: 6952

I put these in myself, & it scanned without any problems at all.

I've looked in the setmylocation.conf of this image & can't find any areas that match those settings exactly.

Anyone any ideas on what i should try doing? because i prefer using the fast scan when i want to scan for any new availiable channels.
Ok i sorted it, i tried the location that matched closest to the settings i had on my old image & it turns out i'm in "Blackburn" area, seems strange seeing as Blackburn is nearly 20 miles away & Burnley only 8 miles away.

I logicly thought i was in the Burnley area, so much for logic.

The scan seemed to work fine so after having the image on just less than 24 hours it seems now to be working well.

I like the new option where you can view what's on now & next by scrolling via the info thingy at the bottom of the screen.
image is super stable on nokia, but tried it on 2 sagems, and the picture just gets stuck while watching a program, sometimes it does it often, ya i have tried ucodes cams settings and stuff still same so gone back to 1.75, hopfully don v3 will work on sagem thanks though super image on the nokia
I want to do a scan from the menu starting
freq 200
fec 3
symbolrate 6875
The option is locked, I can not choose, how can I unlock this, I do not want to edit the services.xml or scan.conf etc.

Please help.
I am not using any network in UK, I do want to do a scan for Casema network in Holland. afterwards will use MGcamd with cardsharing.
I want to do a scan from the menu starting
freq 200
fec 3
symbolrate 6875
The option is locked, I can not choose, how can I unlock this, I do not want to edit the services.xml or scan.conf etc.

Please help.
I am not using any network in UK, I do want to do a scan for Casema network in Holland. afterwards will use MGcamd with cardsharing.

This option is greyed out because it's set using the 'SetMyLocation' feature in the Blue Button menu.

You can edit the scan.conf file (/var/tuxbox/config) to match your settings or edit the setmylocation.conf file and add in the settings you need. Then you can use the 'SetMyLocation' feature from the Blue menu. You might also have to edit the cables.xml file with the frequencies and cable name of your provider.
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thanks devilfish, will try that.
At the moment I use an enigma image, but it often hangs.
Want one more stable image :)
Just put this on my fussy Sagem.

My LCD has not worked in ages (missing pixels - then would just die)

Guess what, it works 100% again with this image! :)

Means I can sell it now for even more :D

Thx The_Don! :D
still had no luck with scanning.
Is the modulation QAM64, this is what you need for cable?

and if I want to edit setmylocation.conf
ACTION=&Sedgley - West Midlands TW,/var/plugins/setmylocationops 40973 000000 6952

it should like this?
Action=&Holland Casema The Hague,/var/plugins/setmylocationops 5555 201 6875

NetworkID = 5555 , what if you do not know networkID
start freq and on : 201 , (he will auto search above freq. right??)
symbolrate : 6875
where should I fill in FEC

Please help me please.

Thank you for all your answers.

Sound on channel but no picture ?

Hi Guys, I put this image on a friends x1 chip Sagem last night. Done a Brute Force scan and got all the channels BUT ! Some of the chanels have sound but just a black screen, but if i go up a channel and then wait a few seconds then go back to the channel the picture appears ! This happens on quite a few channels ! Is there anything i can change on the menus to rectify this ? Apart from this the image seems to work fine !

Cheers dgc808
i have put this on at the week-end and so far must admit its very stable ahd no problem with scanning and setmylocation works a treat like the info bar epg anf the changing of channels i found is really fast ,like the bquality of picture and the set up much better will keep it running for another few days and see what else it can do(have had box on nite and day to see if i can make it freeze but no joy lol)