Telewest analouge box



can anyone help me my m8 has a chipped telewest analouge box which currently only lasts 1 wk until it goes off, does any one know what type of hex is needed for his PIC chip which won't go off after a week, the bloke he got it from wants £40 to re-programme it, i've got an ELVIS and want to help him out for xmas
downloaded hex gen 3 but looks complicated,<br />my m8 has got a scientific atlanta box, do i need the serial no from his box ????
If its telewest analog then I presume its an SA. <br />(Send me your Email so I can forward all codes and diagrams)<br />First of all there are 2 chips to program not just the 93c66. You will need to order a 12c588 from <a href="" target="_blank"></a> . You first have to program your 93c66 with your area codes. (Check your email for these.) <br />Once you have got this hex onto your box you will have all the channels. However the box has a built in timer that kicks in when it knows it has been fiddled. So after about a week the box will lose all the channels. So you have to install a resetter chip which has been designed for the bulletproof boxes (do not use the regular resetter chip as it will make you loose channels when the box is reactivated!)

The chip is a 12c508 and here is the hex, (Check your mail). The fuse settings are... IRC_OSC,WDT_OFF,PROTECT_OFF,MCLR_OFF

<br />The chip connects to the EPROM and the 11-pin adaptor, pin 1 of the adaptor is at the front of the box. Here is the wireing...

PIC Chip-------11 Pin Connector-------EPROM

1--------------------1<br />2---------------------------------------1<br />3--------------------4<br />4--------------------8<br />5--------------------5<br />6--------------------9<br />7-------------------NONE <br />8--------------------7

Once this chip is installed it will reset the EPROM every time the box shuts it down, you make it do this by turning the box on and off at the wall. the first time the box goes will be in about a week, after this tho it is every 6-8 weeks.

(Check your mail for diagrams)

Credits to my mate Gordy….
Hi welshboy, you only need a 12c508 pic to enable all channels on the sa telewest boxs [chipped mine years ago works 100%.<br /> if its ok by mickie I will upload the hex to the downloads section and give you a bit of info here on how to wire it up.<br /> first you have to programe the pic with the hex, fuse settings are intRC all others off.

connect no1 leg of the pic to no1 leg of the 11 pin connector on circut board.<br /> connect no2 leg of the pic to no1 leg of the eeprom.<br /> connect no3 leg of the pic to no2 leg of the eeprom.<br /> connect no4 leg of the pic to no4 leg of the eeprom.<br /> connect no5 leg of the pic to no3 leg of the eeprom.<br /> connect no6 leg of the pic to no9 leg of the 11 pin connector on circut board. <br /> connect no8 leg of the pic to no9 leg of the 11 pin connector on circut board.<br /> only works on the sa 8602 version 1 box telewest areas.<br /> ps. the only time you might have probs with this mod is when you leave the box on 24 hours a day you end up with an orange screen and a message saying contact this number[ if that happens all you do is power the box off at the wall for a few minutes then everything is back to normal when you switch on again.
thanks for the info lads, but the chip is a 16f84<br />which is on it's own dill socket on a small PCB with cable which connects to the mainboard in the box, and also has a small insulated hook which conects to live feed to enable the data to be sent into the box, once the data is dowloaded the box currently only lasts for a week .I thought that you took the chip out of the dill scoket and put into an ELVIS and prog with new hex.<br />my M8 says that the bloke who sold him the cable programmer wants £10 to reprog the chip, and that everyone has their box chipped this way, <br />any ideas <br />welshboy
hi welchboy, tell your m8 that the bloke who programes his 16f84 pic chip is talking a load of bollocks,he sounds like a ripoff merchant to me, the circut board chip that your m8s got is called a programer clone chip,normaly the channels only last about a week maybe more[it all depends on how long you leave the chip connected in the box]when the channels go off you reconnect the chip to activate them again, once the 16f84 is programed it should last for years,unless you shortcircut it some way, get your m8 to check the wireing on the chip [any bare touching wires might erase it]also check the hook that connects to leg 1 of the eeprom [if its longer than normal it might have touched leg 2 and corrupted the eeprom or f**ked it altogether. ps. if he has accidentaly erased the chip let me know and i will upload the 16f84 hex for you. better still why dont you get your elvis out and programe a 12c508 chip like i said in my earlier post, your m8 will be able to switch his box off at night instead of leaving it on all the time
thanks for that file M8, do you know where the best place to get hold of 16f84 chips in my area, with it been xmas don't want to use the snail mail

happy xmas from welshboy
hi welchboy, all the outlets that sold the 16f84 pic in the liverpool area stopped selling them months ago for some reason, I orderd mine on the net [maxkings], why dont you phone around you might strike lucky. ps, merry xmas and all the best for the new year.
thanx for info BENNY59, wonder if MAPLIN sells em anyway will leave till after xmas.....cheers
With half a brain youre almost there. Dont be put off by a little bit of simple soldering.