Technomates Reputation?

Constructive critiques are positive for both the company and the clients, and help to make the products better.

As opposed to gobshites shit stirring and slagging another product of before it's even released or given a chance to fail/succeed solely for profits of their own products.

As far as I can see, the only way the TM800 is going to progress is when the promised code is released along with all hooks to device dependencies, so that other teams/hobbiests can get on board
i wonder if all tm800 owners on here and maybe some from elsewhere, wrote to tm saying they want a refund unless the source code etc is released to the public, or they pay another coding team to develop an image, would it make them sit up and think? i bet if pli were asked/paid to compile an image it would work..

I cant wait to get one of these boxes, but for me it has to work as good as my £50 dm500 clone and to be honest i'm not convinced it can.
Would i ever buy a TM product again...? Well simply yes providing it's in the under £90 mark (TM500, TM500S, TM600 etc) from which I know I wouldn't be risking too much and to be fare some of their receivers have not been too bad.

Would I ever spend £250 on a TM product then simply NO...NEVER...NEVER EVER AGAIN!!

The way I see it now is if I want a super car then I should simply go for a super car and not risk buying a "Kia" just because they have loaded it with a Super charged, 4.8l engine!! (Hope you get my point..)!
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I see Forrest1066 has thrown in his cards and selling up.

The problem with selling just now, is are you gonna get your money back?!

If you wait for the image to mature and possible 3rd party support to start appearing then your TM800 will get it's value back easily, but selling in this climate is almost certainly going to lead to a loss.
technomate have offered many many many times that if you wasn't happy they would give a refund

I think you would have a cheek asking for one now tbh
Shouldn't have to sell it at all. Technomate should give a full refund.

This has caused MASSIVE problems for retailers

Technomate have said they will refund in full, but, will they refund the full RRP that the end user paid? not a chance, so lets say a retailer honours technomates promise of a full refund of £250 on a box that was bought 5 months ago, and paid for by paypal.

the end user gets back £250, as promised by technomate

but the retailer is already down, as they cannot just click the 'refund' button on paypal, as too much time has elapsed, so they have just lost £10 in paypal fees, plus, if they refund by paypal, they will also have to cover the fees again, another £10. Technomate promised to sort everything out, so the retailer has to sort out a courier, another £10. They will then NOT be able to get a refund from the trade warehouse they originally got it from, as technomate are 'meant' to only sell via authorised outlets

so now the retailer is stuck with a 2nd hand receiver, AND is an extra £30 down on the trade price they originally picked it up for to sell at retail price in the first place

add to this that if those customers were pre order customers to begin with, had taken advantage of a 10% discount, and have already had their receivers swapped over once, at no cost to themselfs, the 10% is worth £25, the cost of a delivery / pickup courier is £20, theres £70 WITHOUT the cost of the receiver the retailer is stuck with

if 5 people take up 'technomates' offer, and the retailer is stuck with the receiver after giving a refund, it works out, in total, the 2nd hand receiver the retailer is stuck with has cost £500, multiply that by 5, and technomate just cost a retailer £2.5k

Is technomate really going to honour that?

As an end user, we dont care about this, but, as an end user asking a retailer for a refund because technomate said its no problem on a box thats 5 months old, there will be more sold on by users than refunded by retailers, even if technomate promises a full refund delivered in cash by naked bi sexual supermodel ladies

but what makes it worse, is people who havent even seen one of these receivers in real life, writing pages and pages of negative stuff about them, but will happily put up with a dreambox 800 clone that breaks up on HD channels??? save yourself some money, and buy a DM600 then

if you dont have one, dont post whinging posts


if you don't have one, don't post whinging posts



Just In Case Members Missed That Bit :Clap:

why would you want to keep posting negative comments on a receiver you don't have ? does it happen in other areas of the forum ? I'm sure it doesn't ;)
Are people that don't own one still having a pop at the machine? lol

My wee box is doing great. I've learned to be patient with UR Team as we simply don't have any choice. No point in moaning, I've had my wee moan already. Looking forward to next image build.
I have only had my box a couple of weeks, it records/plays back from my usb hd fine, and it has a lovely picture.

I don't get the loss of sound on hd.

I wanted the ability to play films from my computer but have bought a new tv which can do this so not interested in that now.

My only grouchs are it takes to long to bootup but I rarely reboot it anyway and the password request on the yellow button is a pain in the butt.


I am considering reporting them to trading standards as it is false advertising and in this country it's illegal to use false advertising.
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I see your point about it being 5 months on but it STILL isn't the machine it was sold as and for 5 months we've been told "it's ok, we've fixed it all and image will be with you in x days" stringing us all along with false hope only to consistently let us down. I think Technomate should ask to see people receipts and then fully reimburse the user directly. Then perhaps they will think twice next time about hiring the right people for the doing job.
I have only had my box a couple of weeks, it records/plays back from my usb hd fine, and it has a lovely picture.

I don't get the loss of sound on hd.

I wanted the ability to play films from my computer but have bought a new tv which can do this so not interested in that now.

My only grouchs are it takes to long to bootup but I rarely reboot it anyway and the password request on the yellow button is a pain in the butt.


I am considering reporting them to trading standards as it is false advertising and in this country it's illegal to use false advertising.

Good point mate it might get them to release it.
I was going to get one of these but they kept putting off the release date so i got a Vu+duo and and i'm over the moon with it,
I do think though that this will eventually be a great box so just have patience guys. I know its frustrating but i'm sure it will be worth it in the end and who knows ? i might even get one
2 things need to happen to make this the box is promises to be

1) the software needs to be sorted out
2) the code released

The Vu+ Duo Vix team built the whole image, in their spare time, in ~ 6 weeks. This is a group of hobbyists, like a lot of us on here, who got together, pooled their knowledge, and did it in their spare time.

The UR team has been working on the TM800 image since april, yes i know its a 57M image compared to a 32M image, and thats where most of the problem lies. the extra 25M is workarounds and duplicated crap.

Tm do keep their promises, even if they cant keep them on time, so personally, i think its not a case of 'if' they release the code, but a matter of 'when'. If Vix team can create the Duo image in 6 weeks, i think theyd create a smooth, uncluttered TM800 image in a month that would put UR to shame. They may not be interested, but, i know 100% of 3 other (maybe 4, there were a few more, but they have given up waiting for now) teams who have stuff ready to create an image, and are just waiting for the drivers and other code

so, while TM are letting UR give out dates that they cant keep, they are letting UR drag their reputation lower and lower, and putting money into the banks of others. This month so far ive sold 3 Duos (and missed a sale, sorry m8 ;)), one sale the person didnt really want to spend that much, but DID want HD recording / playback, which the TM800 at the moment cannot offer

has anyone seen brewsters millions? Thats what im starting to think the TM800 could be all about lol
this is about TM tho and not darkman, if we are going there i'll write another post on his products but that would take me all day to type.

i wouldnt touch his crap if it was free tbh.

TM for all there faults at least try and they do have great customer service something darkman will never have as he's so full of himself and is ONLY intrested in the cash.

indeed m8 darkman is a fooking fag he should go sort his own problems out that cccam on his spiderbox claim to been fixed wot a nob head lol
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