Sunday Trading Laws

I absolutely hate the French.

Yes. I'm racist.

(only to the froggy sleazy fuckers in France though)

I'm a bit old fashioned about Sundays and although im not religious i do think its a day of rest.
Ive been lucky in that most of my jobs didn't require a Sunday shift and its a day that i would hate to see become another working day.

I graft all week and on Saturday i do any house jobs that are required.
My Sunday is simple, have a lie in, have a huge breakfast, watch the GP and read the papers.
No work, no mending things, "no shopping".
I absolutely hate the French.

Yes. I'm racist.

(only to the froggy sleazy fuckers in France though)



love thy neighbour mo fo lol

but if you love his wife, dont get caught :proud:
Wow Brits are nuts, the French enjoy a standard of living we could only dream of.
Wow Brits are nuts, the French enjoy a standard of living we could only dream of.

Yeah..and it's thanks to the nutty British that they have the freedom to enjoy it too ;)

gawd..that's my 2nd anti French post today.
Got to say i hate shopping with a vengeance, but saying that being able to buy what i want when i want would be brilliant.

I mean how many times do you run out of something or need something only to have to wait until 8am to be able to goto Asda etc to get, but then you can't because you are in work.

Everything is based on decisions made years ago on a basis that no longer applies. Scotland is always first with these decisions with the rest of the UK trailing behind.

you would think the idiots who run this sorry excuse for a country would catch on to this, but their too busy ripping us off.
its stupid living in a 24 hour culture but only being able to shop for 6 hours on a sunday.
the worst thing is the drink times. if we do live in a 24 hr world why cant we buy bevvy 24hr a day. some peeps finish at 12am or 1am choking for a pint they have to either have it in the fridge or wait until the next day to buy a pint or can of beer!! usually me finishing at this time. lol
my personnel opinion is that the corporations have robbed this countrys hard working folk of everything they can. Dont let them take our sundays away from us. Its more than a religious day. Its a family day.. and boy does this country need a day where the family can get together. Corporations are the ones to blame for broken britain being the way it is. If its not 280 odd channels full of advertising keeping the family from talking, its 24hr spend all you ve earned on shite in the shops or pubs. If you ask me i think not just on sundays but from 10pm on a friday to 10 am on a monday should be a no spending zone. And we should revert to the 4 shitty channels being on air during those times too. Give it a year we wont be breaking our family's but we will be that bored we might actually achieve somethings for our family's and community's. Might be a hectic friday shopping after work but at least we would all be drinking our creates and creates of ale that we purchased in the streets together talking.
And we should revert to the 4 shitty channels being on air during those times too

are you having a laff!!! really? on a forum that openly wants to recieve free cable and sattelite? why are u here? cable tv has saved my marriage!!