struggling with fun card


VIP Member
VIP Member
Sep 9, 2007
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hey people, ive done 3 tit cards in the past, but now im trying to do a fun for a mate. its a purple funcard 4 with a footballer image on.ive been reading how to read the card, but for some reason nagra will not read it, and following a tutorial ive read the flash and int eeprom and saved them to the desktop. but the tut says i need funcard viewer, which i cant find anywhere. can anyone help me? ive got a pheonix programmer. thanks in advance
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you dont use nagra edit for a fun card or i never have but then ive never tried i have a usb infinity unlimited
ive got loads of programs, im just not sure how to use them :( do you have msn? coz im a total tecnophobe and i dont want to destroy the card? if so please could you gimme me yur address?
if you save the ext eeprom and change it to bin nagra will read it fine (for your bk if necassery)
ive got the bk and ird rawsy i just need to know what to do with them now lol. ive got the latest flash to put on the card, do i just use rhv and put in the bk and ird and burn card?
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Edit your ird and bk out of your post asap mate, otherwise it might be blacklisted
any advice where to go from here people? thanks for the help so far and thanks for putting up with my total crap knowledge of all things technically minded