Streaming Tool VLC Rape feedback testers

The guy is still programming and he will add support for more boxes ;-)

Was his 1st Post on Tuxbox Forum:banana:

PS: @Gav... How about a news section like you know where..? You could just copy and paste ...?
Nope mate ;-) You are the Boss here
pt-1 said:
Nope mate ;-) You are the Boss here

cheers pt-1

the news section is a very good idea we do have something like it here

but still needs work on it though i will look into changing a few things in the coming days or weeks lol

i dont like the sounds of you are the boss here as i dont see myself as that at all as that sounds scary m8 lol

we all work as a team over here m8 not just me and that works great for all of us

cheers pt-1 keep up the good work that you do as its much appreciated as you go out your way to help others everywhere so ive noticed and i mean everywhere lol

Why hide the News in the Downloads..?

1st Idea...

How about a chart of Images that are out there and their features...?


Gav1.2 CVS 03.02.06 UK Scanning Yes/No NVOD EPG Yes/No etc

as I am to lazy to do it ..
pt-1 said:
Why hide the News in the Downloads..?

1st Idea...

How about a chart of Images that are out there and their features...?


Gav1.2 CVS 03.02.06 UK Scanning Yes/No NVOD EPG Yes/No etc

as I am to lazy to do it ..

moved to the right section just to get up and running m8

until i can sort it out properly as its only a temporary and quick way at the moment

but i think it will do for now m8

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Zapping takes actually only around 3-4 seconds

Lovely tool for all people that could not get YWeb working and are waiting for a modded Tuxvision
i dunno about the program as havent used it yet but theres some top totty on that guys site if you just goto even girl on girl tounge action jabbbbbbbbbbbbbba wabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbba

Thanks for posting this mate. This is exactly what I have been looking for. Streaming is the most stable I have ever had over my wireless network. Normally I can't watch and be on the internet but now I can.

The timeshift works like a charm. I have to say this is probably the most useful plugin/addon that I've ever tested. So please pass my thanks on to the developer.

The interface is also very simple, and the additional contrast settings etc are great. It worked straight away.

Do you know if this is still a bata and will a new release be coming out soon ? as I will translate it once a stable (not that this one isn't already stable) version is released.

Also when it records it doesn't kill the epg on the box. It also records into one ts/mpeg file which is easily played back with powerdvd.

Thanks again mate,

It is still beta but the guy is developing it further with support for more than 1 Box.

Only here to please :proud:

I've just discovered a bug or something wrong with the settings for the UK.

It will only work on FTA channels, if I zap from bbc1 to SS1 I get a blank screen on both the pc and the tv, but if a zap back to bbc2 all works fine again. Could it be something to do with macrovision settings.

PT1 is this the first you have heared of this ?

I'm getting the same problem as de_deej, only FTA channels will stream, the screen just goes black and the sound clicks if you try to view an encrypted channel.

It does seem like an excellent tool though if there is a way around this problem.
OK, I fixed the problem thanks to a previous post by: "abaddon".

A while ago I downloaded the file that he uploaded, which removes macrovision or something, as I am due to buy a dvd recorder. Anyway I remembered that I had the file and I wondered if it would fix this problem and guess what it does.

See this link and follow his instructions:

Remember you may have to use a squashfs root editor as the file needs to go into the root.

@PT1, you might want to upload this fix wherever else you have posted the new tool.

Thanks de_deej that fixed it.

Has anyone else noticed that the times on the EPG are 1 hour fast? i.e. shows that are on at 02.00 are listed in VLCRape as starting at 03.00, this is in the EPG Day section.
like how am i meant to set this up? lol sorry im being a n00b again :S nvm i got it but it just says zapping to etc.... i dont see a pic? :D
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