starview 400_ee

all fixed still slighty glitchy but a hell of alot better mate
cool thx
There is no such thing as clone friendly firmware. any firmware above 259 will kill clones.
starview 300ee clone

flashed a clone with 300ee and low and behold it died, after jtagin it back to life tried the 300ee clone patch and it forked fine for afew days then it died again now i cant seem to get it back to life.
when i jtag it read the cpu,ect performs the erase with no probz and then rights the 29LV160.bin ok but will not boot up no display or anything to the screen...
Any help?
The moral of the story is when you jtag it and it works. do not install any firmware above 259 mate.
no mate this is starview's own update which only supports their own model.

there is a version coming out shortly that will work for clones.

there never was and never will be clonesafe firmware. you only have to visit a few forums to see how many clones are being killed by so called clonesafe firmware.
Well ive just read a post that says a clone safe v2.57 with auto update has just been released. So what do you make of this?