speed cams etc


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Mar 9, 2005
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i have the garmin i3 and have noticed that some speedcams and redlight cams don't show up as a warning,when i look into the speedcams list the camera is there and on the map it shows exact location. (i have stopped within a few yards to check) am i right in thinking that only "live" ones show up "dead " ones are ignored.as in motorway junctions ,only the one you want is highlighted. i went thru a redlight cam on red to test my theory(plate was covered) and it didn't warn me or flash so that is what makes me think live cams only set the alert off. i have the june updated images so its ok there.
as of yet i have not lost the signal and when i change route it quickly gets back on track ,so for the price i would reccommend it.
Also thanks to tommahawk for his advice and recommendation ,was greatly appreciated.
gez said:
i have the garmin i3 and have noticed that some speedcams and redlight cams don't show up as a warning,when i look into the speedcams list the camera is there and on the map it shows exact location. (i have stopped within a few yards to check) am i right in thinking that only "live" ones show up "dead " ones are ignored.as in motorway junctions ,only the one you want is highlighted. i went thru a redlight cam on red to test my theory(plate was covered) and it didn't warn me or flash so that is what makes me think live cams only set the alert off. i have the june updated images so its ok there.
as of yet i have not lost the signal and when i change route it quickly gets back on track ,so for the price i would reccommend it.
Also thanks to tommahawk for his advice and recommendation ,was greatly appreciated.

its a shame they dont have a built in tracker facility to detect mobile speed cams realtime rather than overlay maps...
Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, but you presumably know that i3 will only bong repeatedly and show a camera icon on the map if you are going over the speed limit. If you are within the law, the bonging stops and the little icon disappears.

Alternatively, there was a bad firmware version a few months ago that affected proximity alerts. Try updating the firmware and reinstalling the camera files.

although other warnings such as mobile postions always bong regardless..if i remember rightly that is...have not used mine in months lol i never go nowhere lol....

mickie d and co remember the edit post wants seeing to...it dont work i had to post a new reply.....thanks.