Snow Watch 2010

Been on and of here in teesside but when its snowing it aint half coming down lol, just took this 5 mins ago. I was having a drunken snowball fight this morning at about 1 lol:proud:
snowed again overnight in dublin, so we have a couple of inches here now, more snow forecast for today, not much change for the week according to the weather forecasts
It's weird here today. Plenty of snow last night and it's still snowing lightly, the weird thing is when I look out the window I can see powder blue skies and bright sunshine - yet it's snowing at the same time.
No snow yet here in Runcorn, temp, according to outside sensor, is -1.5 and got to -6.7 last night.
yeah aberdeen had a load last nite at least 3" snow fell and its still coming down
stll no snow down here in bristol .....

blue sky with some clouds .....

cold tho :cold:
Alexandra Park just outside my House 10 minutes ago






No snow here in london.
In fact, its nice blue skies, sun is out and quite warm outside.
I drove Audball to work, car was sliding all over the place.

Even the main roads round here haven't been gritted and the schemes (estates) are a total joke.
sky is lovely and blue in one direction and if you look in the other direction big grey clouds on the way. walked to the shop, paths were ok cos the snow was still fairly fresh but the roads were like glass.
aye up to about 6 or 7 inches here a quick trip to tesco and that will be my lot
Stupidly took the car to Asda,got there with a lot of sliding about,never made it home though,still chucking it down,could easily make 12" by early evening

If you dont need to take the car...Don't
snowing in motherwell... :)

Fcuking hell Buzzer!

Look at all those orbs in your pictures.
Have you looked for the faces of dead loved ones in them!?

You're house is deffo haunted, you've got proof.
Loads of snow today in grimsby. roads are mental.

More on the way too!