Should we get out of Ireland ???

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i wonder how many of the people who hate the british and want it to be part of the south are happy to claim our benefits? personally i think that the majority of those on both sides use the divide as a money making racket.

exactly m8
on the hate brits part.
exactly m8
on the hate brits part.

so if you dislike those running your country your not entitled to benefits? PS still waiting on your answer if you still believe Northern Ireland (or the north of ireland as our irish friend calls it) is part of britain?
i wonder how many of the people who hate the british and want it to be part of the south are happy to claim our benefits? personally i think that the majority of those on both sides use the divide as a money making racket.

im sure they do but i wonder how many people who don't want to be part off ireland also milk the system.

awful lot off people in the north claim money they really shouldn't on both sides there's also many from both sides make money on the divide(as u say) same as i bet there's lots off people that have british passports when it suits them are vice versa it happens.

now we into a diff debate why don't we stop the money to people that don't want to work. are people that have never worked. stop the dla for people that are drunks. and so on
so if you dislike those running your country your not entitled to benefits? PS still waiting on your answer if you still believe Northern Ireland (or the north of ireland as our irish friend calls it) is part of britain?

i didnt say anything about benifits?
ulster as they call it is british .and u never ask me the question?
In the grand scheme of things Nobody owns it.

we will all be pan bread it will still be there. unless we have already put it that much crap into the ozone that the tides rise all it disapears forever.

don't let the nutters win

All we are saying is give peace a chance.

exactly m8
on the hate brits part.

well probably because for years the people that hate the brits couldn't get jobs, couldn't get houses and that was the brits way off keeping them down and out off good jobs.

i wonder how many people in scotland are doing the same thing.

but then suppose if my taxes didn't go to the british pocket but an irish pocket then they would help pay for irish schools and hospitals then wouldn't need british money
i didnt say anything about benifits?
ulster as they call it is british .and u never ask me the question?

ulster is not british only part off it is occupied. the other part is free from british rule (hopefully the rest soon).

9 counties in ulster 6 in the north off ireland 3 in the south.
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well probably because for years the people that hate the brits couldn't get jobs, couldn't get houses and that was the brits way off keeping them down and out off good jobs.

i wonder how many people in scotland are doing the same thing.

but then suppose if my taxes didn't go to the british pocket but an irish pocket then they would help pay for irish schools and hospitals then wouldn't need british money

? what u mean?
there is plenty brit haters in scotland also im sure.
anyway back on topic is the feeling NI is in britain then?
Well like Scotland who in 1706-1707 signed the Treaty of the Unions and the Act of Unions there was a similar agreement with Ireland in the Act of Union 1800 that officially brought Ireland on board with the rest of the United Kingdoms, disputes within Ireland led to the partition of Ireland in 1921 and in 1922 The Irish free state was given dominion status while the North remained part of the UK and it's title became United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

So i would say NI is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Some people have the view like Trojan that is an occupied part of Ireland as a whole which is another ball game entirely and some people would say the very same about Scotland,Wales being occupied very complex situation as i think has been said on here where does it end.

Being part of the United Kingdoms in modern times does'nt seem to have been such a bad thing as it is quite a reasonable place to reside compared to a few countries.

But other people may disagree with this depending on there train of thought
Ulster is not in britain. its part of the united kingdom

As I said earlier I class my self as British and so does wiki this is my opinion you have yours said:
The British (also known as Britons, informally Brits, or archaically Britishers) are citizens of the United Kingdom, of the Isle of Man, any of the Channel Islands, or of any of the British overseas territories, and their descendants.[22][23][24] British nationality law governs modern British citizenship and nationality, which are acquired, for instance, by birth in the UK or by descent from British nationals. When used in a historical context, the term British people refers to the ancient Britons, the indigenous inhabitants of Great Britain south of the Forth. said:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland[note 7] (commonly known as the United Kingdom, the UK, or Britain) is a sovereign state[7][8] located off the north-western coast of continental Europe. It spans an archipelago including Great Britain, the northeastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the UK with a land border with another sovereign state, sharing it with the Republic of Ireland.[9][10] Apart from this land border, the UK is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the English Channel, and the Irish Sea.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and unitary state. It is a country[11][12] consisting of four countries: England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.[13][note 8] It is governed by a parliamentary system with its seat of government in the capital city of London
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Well like Scotland who in 1706-1707 signed the Treaty of the Unions and the Act of Unions there was a similar agreement with Ireland in the Act of Union 1800 that officially brought Ireland on board with the rest of the United Kingdoms, disputes within Ireland led to the partition of Ireland in 1921 and in 1922 The Irish free state was given dominion status while the North remained part of the UK and it's title became United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

So i would say NI is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Some people have the view like Trojan that is an occupied part of Ireland as a whole which is another ball game entirely and some people would say the very same about Scotland,Wales being occupied very complex situation as i think has been said on here where does it end.

Being part of the United Kingdoms in modern times does'nt seem to have been such a bad thing as it is quite a reasonable place to reside compared to a few countries.

But other people may disagree with this depending on there train of thought

so if its already part of britain why refer to great britain and northern ireland?? so good they names it twice? lol
As I said earlier I class my self as British and so does wiki this is my opinion you have yours

could post equally from other websites that say different but as earlier it is semantics, if you consider yourself british fair play, im just going on geography and britain is made up of scotland wales and england.. as i say its not a british passport its britain AND northern ireland.. but regardless of this IMO you have every right to consider yourself british, as as the other boy has every right to look on it as the north of ireland.. lol
Well like Scotland who in 1706-1707 signed the Treaty of the Unions and the Act of Unions there was a similar agreement with Ireland in the Act of Union 1800 that officially brought Ireland on board with the rest of the United Kingdoms, disputes within Ireland led to the partition of Ireland in 1921 and in 1922 The Irish free state was given dominion status while the North remained part of the UK and it's title became United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

So i would say NI is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain

Some people have the view like Trojan that is an occupied part of Ireland as a whole which is another ball game entirely and some people would say the very same about Scotland,Wales being occupied very complex situation as i think has been said on here where does it end.

Being part of the United Kingdoms in modern times does'nt seem to have been such a bad thing as it is quite a reasonable place to reside compared to a few countries.

But other people may disagree with this depending on there train of thought

ibrox you actually posted a few good points!!!!!:Clap: some in scotland would say that the "Treaty of the Unions and the Act of Unions" where a sell out some in ireland (me for one ) would say the same about ireland it was a sell out. the british kept on to the north off ireland and (renamed it) northern ireland. again that's why after the war with Britain we had a civil war as just less than half the people didn't want to settle for less than all are nothing. and yes there could be worst places to live as u can see from the tv screens everyday. but that don't make it right. and we can still have our own views and hopes than one day we be one country nothing saying we can't still have friendship with britain as we have loads in common.
i consider myself british not scottish ,so each to his own.

fair enough and i consider myself scottish ;-) but equally i do appreciate that scotland is part of britain where as NI is not :)
i consider myself british not scottish ,so each to his own.

do you stand for the scottish anthem are the british one .??
oh forgot there is no british one :proud:
Just to throw my 2 euro cents in :) Im from the south of ireland and like most people here we couldnt care less about northern ireland. We dont really want them back and as far as i can see most mainland uk people dont really want them either. In fact if Ireland was to be rejoined we would be completely bankrupt (we are very nearly on the way on our own as it is :D ) I cant imagine the amount of money thats pumped into northern ireland every year. Ive been over to mainland uk about 10-20 times in my life, i was in the north once. Northern Ireland may as well be the moon to be honest. These guys that want a united ireland i would say represent a handfull of idiots that seem to have the same moronic mindset as the bnp. Nationality/race is an accident of birth and the sooner people understand that in this globalised world nationality/race means nothing. We are all human after all and strive to have a good long peaceful and prosperous life. My heart goes out to that poor young mans family. If there is a god i hope the perpitrators rot in hell.
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