Should we get out of Ireland ???

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if u mean do a stand for god save the queen then yes i do.
what point u tryiing to make ?

out of interest/curiousity if scotland played england at footie would you sing god save the queen? (genuine question man)
Just to throw my 2 euro cents in :) Im from the south of ireland and like most people here we couldnt care less about northern ireland. We dont really want them back and as far as i can see most mainland uk people dont really want them either. In fact if Ireland was to be rejoined we would be completely bankrupt (we are very nearly on the way on our own as it is :D ) I cant imagine the amount of money thats pumped into northern ireland every year. Ive been over to mainland uk about 10-20 times in my life, i was in the north once. Northern Ireland may as well be the moon to be honest. These guys that want a united ireland i would say represent a handfull of idiots that seem to have the same moronic mindset as the bnp. Nationality/race is an accident of birth and the sooner people understand that in this globalised world nationality/race means nothing. We are all human after all and strive to have a good long peaceful and prosperous life. My heart goes out to that poor young mans family. If there is a god i hope the perpitrators rot in hell.

i dont think you can group everyone who would like to see a united ireland with a racism/secterian brush associated with the BNP that apart agree with a lot of what you say.
Think this thread should now be closed imho....
out of interest/curiousity if scotland played england at footie would you sing god save the queen? (genuine question man)

yes colin
if u would even care to find some posts in the past
u will find that i was slated for supporting england
i cant stand the scottish national team
it goes way back with they way they treated a couple rangers players (but thats for sports section.
if u mean do a stand for god save the queen then yes i do.
what point u tryiing to make ?

that's the english anthem

they just change the name for when it's a king to when it's a queen
yes colin
if u would even care to find some posts in the past
u will find that i was slated for supporting england
i cant stand the scottish national team
it goes way back with they way they treated a couple rangers players (but thats for sports section.

dont need to justify it your entitled to your views, if you feel as a scotsman you prefer england its your call..

now F off across the border!!! (joke people!)lol
Just to throw my 2 euro cents in :) Im from the south of ireland and like most people here we couldnt care less about northern ireland. We dont really want them back and as far as i can see most mainland uk people dont really want them either. In fact if Ireland was to be rejoined we would be completely bankrupt (we are very nearly on the way on our own as it is :D ) I cant imagine the amount of money thats pumped into northern ireland every year. Ive been over to mainland uk about 10-20 times in my life, i was in the north once. Northern Ireland may as well be the moon to be honest. These guys that want a united ireland i would say represent a handfull of idiots that seem to have the same moronic mindset as the bnp. Nationality/race is an accident of birth and the sooner people understand that in this globalised world nationality/race means nothing. We are all human after all and strive to have a good long peaceful and prosperous life. My heart goes out to that poor young mans family. If there is a god i hope the perpitrators rot in hell.

Didnt I say most of this on like page 4 and was told I was talking crap? lmao

Stop winding eachother up, Im Welsh, and we are the only ones who have no representation on the Union Jack, so if anyone should be miffed its us. Most of the home counties hate England, thats life, although I dont think blowing up innocent people has ever achieved anything. They seem to be making much better headway as politicians in the UK parliament. Perhaps if people sat down and discussed stuff, rather than preaching sectarian hate at eachother then we wouldn't of had the conflicts or problems that we have faced.

PS I dont sing the national anthem (God save the queen), as shes German in my eyes, and the last true king of Great Britain was Welsh. Im Welsh, not British, but thats just me :)
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