samsung 2100c box

this worked a treat for me but if you are using ocd commander 2007 downgrade to 2005 available in downloads area as the new version doesnt work well with xp.

if it still doesnt connect then make sure your printer port is set to epp or epp & ecp you can do this in the bios settings.
hi, are you sure you have run ocd properly? it doesnt say running on the ocd only on the drvloader. when you click on the macro label and double click on nonet prog should run automatic and you should be able to see the bytes being loaded. should run to
byte 0x3121FFFF also dont forget to check the default freq and symbol rate in the eng menu.
I get the following errors

API x E1: not yet initalized (E1:06)

Then when I run the Macro file nonet.mac I get error

Write large: not yet initalised (40:06).

I may try a earlier version of OCD and suggested
i have had the same messages when i have rushed it and forgot something. make sure the box is turned on and in the state you would put it in for jtag. ie, switch on box at ld20 press the down button, release at ld40. leave for a minute and run ocd, make sure you have mac_mot running. just take your time and check you have it all prepared before you run it. also do you have the jtag connected properly.
dont know which version of ocd i am using but i am on xp. if you right click on ocd it gives you the option to run compatibility with different versions of windows. doesnt have an option for xp but runs ok for me.