running 2 modems at the same time? 1 subbed thru wireless.. pc differentiate?

Midnight Tboy

Inactive User
Feb 23, 2008
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ok so I have a modded 20mb box, and a subbed 2mb box.

I've been reorganising everything as I did have the 20mb running solo through the wireless router.

I now wish to have my 20mb hardwired (which it is right now), and the 2mb subbed box running through the wifi router downstairs for regular browsing for the other half on laptop, etc.

Now, for my main pc, what is the best way to go about setting it up so that I can still use the wireless (for streaming movies to the xbox downstairs), without it accessing the internet from the subbed modem, as naturally I dont really want it running from both at the same time. Would it be a case of somehow blocking my main pcs static IP within the router settings?

Is there any generally recommended way of going about this? Also, ideally I'd like to occasionally be able to access the 2mb line from the pc to access my VM email account. Again is there any way software or hardware wise to have it differentiate between which modem it takes the info off. Obviously temp disconnecting the modded box while checking VM isn't a problem, it's just getting it to read from the subbed, while not interfering with each other.

wingate? pfense?

thats wot i would try mate but am no up on that sh!t

thanks.....hmm wingate sounds familiar. Isnt that a proxy server?

Do you know how would it be best set up? Presumably ideally its a case of just ticking the correct options (whatever they are lol) to disable internet access through the wireless network port, then when wish to connect to VM, to reverse the options, ie block the 20mb and unblock the wireless net. That way it would still keep my files streaming thru wireless just no net

You could get a dual wan router like the netgear fvs124g you can route all ligit traphic i.e. email/surfing thru the subbed modem and all the downloading thru the cloned one.

It's quite expensive but easiest way to do it.

The only problem to this i can see is u will have to move both modems upstairs. (£5 splitter will sort that.)

One def advantage is u will no longer have to use WIFI (unless u use it for something else), which is a definate possible security risk.
Another is the firewall function of it.
hiya notmeatall3,

thanks for the suggestion. Sadly a dual wan is out of question.

I do need the wifi for downstairs specifically...although its only been till recently I've tried not to use any wifi and had always been hardwired till decided to have a go at modding a modem box.

Reason being, pc is upstairs, have xbox1 downstairs that used to have a long cable running up stairs. Also bought a new laptop. Due to having kids now decided best to try and reduce chances of tripping and get rid of the wire. So the router is downstairs next to the xbox, dreambox, and 2mb box, with them all being hardwired into the router. Then I can stream movies via XBMC straight thru the wireless.

I'm wondering if perhaps a way to do it would be to look thru the router options (I'm not familiar with routers having always avoided them :D), setting static IP on my main pc, and see if can choose an option to disable internet traffic on that ip, then just enable it again when I want to check my VM mail. Of course life would be much easier if/when I get shot of that VM mail, but I use it as work email stuff expenses and payslips etc so for now isn't an option.

At the current moment, I'm just disabling wireless on main pc, but have to reenable it and pull plug on the 2mb modem when want to watch something on xbox. I'll get there in the end tho with a more efficient way :)
Why dont you plug the 20MB straight into your PC via ethernet and plug the subbed 2MB modem into your wireless router?

Now you have the speed to download and the subbed for using for legitimate purposes such as email.

Problem solved.
this is what ive done..... i got another nic card in me main pc for me dodgy
modem which is running at 20meg and the original nic card which is going thru
a wireless router with me subbed modem running at 2meg,the lappys connect
to the wireless router (which is all upstairs the main pc and modems) now i can
surf using the lappys anywhere in me house,also ive got me lappys to connect
to the main pc by remote desktop or via pcanywhere,i can use me main pc
thru me lappy to d/load and stuff,while still surf the net on the lappy also
they is only one connection ei either laptop via lan remote desktop or laptop
via connecting to me dodgy modem ip addy thru either remote desktop
or pc anywhere

i hope this helps...
Why dont you plug the 20MB straight into your PC via ethernet and plug the subbed 2MB modem into your wireless router?

Now you have the speed to download and the subbed for using for legitimate purposes such as email.

Problem solved.

hiya, that IS how I've got them set up. 2mb wireless downstairs, 20mb thru ethernet upstairs in pc room.

The thing is....if I leave the wireless receiver enabled on the main pc, then how do I in effect tell the PC to only use the internet from the ethernet and not the internet from the wireless (until want to reenable to check VM mail).

I need to have the wireless active once in while, for streaming movies wireless to the xboxes downstairs, but obv dont want it to start going through that one unless have to.