Return Of The Death Penalty! Vote Now?

Should the death penalty be brought back?

  • YES

    Votes: 154 76.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 47 23.4%

  • Total voters
i agree with napster if you take a life , you should loss your life
My uncle was murdered, Stabed in a pub , The killer was never found.

The punsihment in this contry is not the only joke, And the law does get it wrong. I know this from first hand. But Hate breads hate, And can take over peoples lives.

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The world is round as my mum says

you say hate can take over peoples LIVES
Dont you think that families that have had a loved one murdered feel their lives have ended when the person they loved has been murdered? if my son was murdered my live would end with his so please dont quote the lords pray at me there are somethings you cant forgive They wouldnt deserve my pity or my forgiveness nor would they get it I personally would flick the switch and walk away knowing justice had been served .I could make my own quote about ur opinion but I wont so please do not quote the Lords pray at me and I think you meant
" Breeds hate not Bread hate "
I voted no for my own reasons which I won't go into.

We've had this debate before and this one's going the same way!
I don't see why Jasper shouldn't quote The Lord's Prayer if it is what he believes.

To forgive doesn't mean to condone or approve.

My approach to life - at it's best and when I can do it - is to behave in the best way I can, with The Golden Rule as my model.

I will not surrender my own humanity because others choose to; otherwise I become - even if just a little bit - like them.
For all gun and knife crime, used or not, the big drop should be made easily available, I will happy apply for the job, I also think that the persons who are locked up and their families up should pay for that cost. I pay enough tax without keeping criminals in food and lodgings.
some valid arguments from both sides! im all for it, but i cant see us brining it back and i think i laws need to be updated! we live in the 21st century some laws are from donkeys years!

ive got a neighbour an old chap now i go round most days to see how hes doing and abit of banter!

when he was young only 18 him and his mates got in to fight he was sent down just for that! got 4 years, he said it was the worst 4 years of his life, he and 2 others had 1 pot to piss and shit in! lights would go out 8 pm even in summer! no entertainment, no wages! 3 people sharing 1 cell! the prison workers would make sure they made life hell for them! no gym, no weights!

speaking to people i hear nowadays they get full access to a gym, the get TV in there cells some even cable! proper toilet with a flush that works! painted cells! they also get PAID inside? how the F*** does that work? they can also make requests for a playstation or xbox if a member of there famiyl provides one! its an absolute joke, oh and they get 3 nice hot meals aday! what more do they need?

no wonder people aren't afraid to go jail its more comfy inside prison! people like me and you who go out to work! do hard graft! our taxes pay for those idiots in jail who are having one hell of a time! we need a better prison system where criminals get treated like criminals!
Well I think that the statistics of the post actually shows that once again - the minority rule the roost.
I say yes an eye for an eye and all that it would save the tax payers a lot of money, but then say it that it proberly wouldnt because the greedy goverment would still take our money.

I also think that National Service should be brought back and as soon as the kids leave school they should do at least 2 years in a service it would then free up the streets from all the scum that are there now intimidating people and taking drugs and getting pissed all the time.

i will prob get flamed for my views but nevermind i can take it.
I voted NO.

Considering we think we are such an amazing bunch of animals, with huge brains and souls worth more than that of any sentient being on the planet, we don't half have a backward way of creating people in society that do these sorts of things.

Then on top of that, the best way we can think of in dealing with them is locking them up and killing them, and by the sounds of it, watched by a mob of slobbering, blood lusting 'decent' human beings who take pleasure watching someone suffer becasue, well, they deserve it.

How many of you here have bullied for whatever reason, how many people here have called someone a name becasue its funny to you, how many people here have betrated, cheated or back stabbed an inocesnt person, how many here watched Sadam's hanging on YouTube or have played Manhunt passing it off as 'only a laugh' ? Your the people who spread hate within peoples soul's which makes them flip out and partake in these dispicable acts.

I say we lock people like this up - the root of the cause....
i have not voted as there are reasons for it and against
best way is to look at america dont seem to have done much there has it but crate more crime i know the laws are different but it still dont deter them does it
my thoughts on this is any person that kills should be given the option of killing themself. so huntley who stangled those girls should be given a rope to strangle himself. and before any1 says about this being a lett off u can torture them every day u like there would be little point in doing this as u would just be wasting ur time. time that is better spent preventing this happening again or finding a solution to the problem.
I voted NO.

Considering we think we are such an amazing bunch of animals, with huge brains and souls worth more than that of any sentient being on the planet, we don't half have a backward way of creating people in society that do these sorts of things.

Then on top of that, the best way we can think of in dealing with them is locking them up and killing them, and by the sounds of it, watched by a mob of slobbering, blood lusting 'decent' human beings who take pleasure watching someone suffer becasue, well, they deserve it.

How many of you here have bullied for whatever reason, how many people here have called someone a name becasue its funny to you, how many people here have betrated, cheated or back stabbed an inocesnt person, how many here watched Sadam's hanging on YouTube or have played Manhunt passing it off as 'only a laugh' ? Your the people who spread hate within peoples soul's which makes them flip out and partake in these dispicable acts.

I say we lock people like this up - the root of the cause....

1. I am not an animal
2. I am not backward
3. I have never bullied anyone
4. I have never called people names and thought it funny
5. I have never betrayed
6. I have never cheated
7. Or back stabbed anyone
8. I never watched Sadam's hanging
9. I have never heard of Manhunt or know what it is
10. I dont spread hate
11. I have never made anyone flip or made them do dispicable acts
12. I am not part of a mob
13. I dont slobber
14. Or lust over blood
15. I dont take pleasure in watching anyone suffer unlike people who murder

Yet because I have an opinion on the Death penalty you want me Locked up ?
Do not and I repeat not class me or put me in the same category of someone who has murdered . I and others have a right to our own opinion just like you do but I have not resorted to saying that because some of you that dont agree are Do gooders or are as bad as the people who have committed these crimes . I take what you have just said as a PERSONAL INSULT to myself ,others people here and families who have lost loved ones that have been murdered who believe that the death penalty should be implemented again.

And just to imform you

1. I have a brain
2. I have a soul
3. I have a heart
5. I am not an angel but I do know the difference between right and wrong
6. And I also believe in justice

Please dont bother replying to this post as I am sure my reply could/would offend and I dont want that suffice to say you have your opinion I have mine I am quite willing to agree to disagree and leave it at that .

Kate A Human being
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You have a lot of anger in you Kate.

No I dont I just know someone who has been murdered and its not nice and I dont like being put in the same category as someone who has murdered I have not lowered myself to call people on here who dont agree with me and I am just stating my opinion nothing more nothing less and if you knew me you would know that I am the kindest person you could meet. But also an honest one who will speak her mind .When you have sat with someones family and listened to them cry for their son how unfair that their child is dead and the person responsible is alive and will have a full life have a family of their own grow old .When they say what would he have been like would he have had chldren. To know they wont be grand parents Believe me after days of sitting and listening and crying with them to see their lives destroyed yes I believe in the Death Penalty and I am not ashamed of saying it either . And maybe your right I might feel angry I shall give you the address so you can go and sit with them .Then you can come back and tell me how you feel .
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..........if you knew me you would know that I am the kindest person you could meet.

I don't doubt it for a moment, and now I know why you are angry, but I don't believe that taking another life in revenge solves anything.
1. I take what you have just said as a PERSONAL INSULT to myself ,others people here and families who have lost loved ones that have been murdered who believe that the death penalty should be implemented

Havin said that. Its ok for you to insult Me...? And what i was brought up to beleave in. After the loss of my ancle.

You prove my point about hate breeds hate, And if its not spelled right thats coz im dislexit. But u say your nice.
ok lets all cool down now.

so lets look at ways to prevent killings and muggings as the way things are its still on the up so we need to make this go down so what have we not tryed.