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im sorry to hear the news m8, you,ve helped a load of people on this forum espically me, ive run both of your recent enigma images and they sorted my dbox. I dont know what disputes you have had with other peeps recently but i would like to say i think its a shame and i wish you all the best for the future
take care laim i hope you dont slag me off i tried my hardest to keep everything together and you cant deny that no matter what you post elsewhere.

personally i think its for the best and thats in no way a dig or any kind of nastyness because of your hard work on DW, but at the moment the argument is not needed and you have your own place to look after :), .

so again good luck maybe in a while you will come back older and wiser and we can all get on as it should be!

Mickie D
All the best liam you helped me out in the past m8 much appreciated!!!

I wish you all the best on whatevers next m8 its a shame that whatever it was couldnt be sorted....

Long Live Dw.


thanks for all your help hope all is well .... msn... me anytime thanks again

Yeah cheers Liam. Thanks for you contribution and help.
And here we see appearing the reasons for my departure :)

IANBBB said:
Liam you have done some good stuf on here. But after reading the sh1te you posted on your on site then maybe its for the best that you will be going.
This site is bigger than any individual and there is no room for premadonnas.

Highlander said:
things happen and things get said, and that's where i am gonna leave it.

Mickie D said:
personally i think its for the best and thats in no way a dig or any kind of nastyness because of your hard work on DW, but at the moment the argument is not needed........ *snip* maybe in a while you will come back older and wiser and we can all get on as it should be!

@IANBBB - What I post elsewhere MATE is NOT sh*te but a reflection of what goes on underneath the surface of DW. Having no access to the mods room anymore and seeing whats actually going on means that you don't really understand the whole story - you can't get your info from someone else; this story has been twisted and twisted. I do however agree with your statement of "THIS SITE IS BIGGER THAN ANY INDIVIDUAL" ... maybe Mickie should understand that and loko back to how he handled with situation with me and yido.

@Mickie D - as Administrator I would have expected better from you. Downgrading mod priviledges did NOT solve the situation with me and yido, and I think you know that now. How would changing my access rights keep me away from the DBOX2 section? More to the point, WHY SHOULD I STAY AWAY FROM THE DBOX2 SECTION JUST BECAUSE YIDO DOES NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH ME BEING HERE? Can he not go elsewhere? Why should I return to 'my dreambox section' and not bother with DBOX? Sorry m8, but its widely felt that you made the wrong decision :(

Oh and whoever signed up on my site as "dinkdonk" then maybe you wanna go back and check the thread that you posted in - some comments have been posted about your outburst.

Thanks for a great time at Digital Worldz and all the best for the future.
Have a good banter in the mods room at my expense please :)
Speedy2206 said:
And here we see appearing the reasons for my departure :)

@IANBBB - What I post elsewhere MATE is NOT sh*te but a reflection of what goes on underneath the surface of DW. Having no access to the mods room anymore and seeing whats actually going on means that you don't really understand the whole story - you can't get your info from someone else; this story has been twisted and twisted. I do however agree with your statement of "THIS SITE IS BIGGER THAN ANY INDIVIDUAL" ... maybe Mickie should understand that and loko back to how he handled with situation with me and yido.

@Mickie D - as Administrator I would have expected better from you. Downgrading mod priviledges did NOT solve the situation with me and yido, and I think you know that now. How would changing my access rights keep me away from the DBOX2 section? More to the point, WHY SHOULD I STAY AWAY FROM THE DBOX2 SECTION JUST BECAUSE YIDO DOES NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH ME BEING HERE? Can he not go elsewhere? Why should I return to 'my dreambox section' and not bother with DBOX? Sorry m8, but its widely felt that you made the wrong decision :(

Oh and whoever signed up on my site as "dinkdonk" then maybe you wanna go back and check the thread that you posted in - some comments have been posted about your outburst.

Thanks for a great time at Digital Worldz and all the best for the future.
Have a good banter in the mods room at my expense please :)

i dont want to state the obvious here liam but aint your attitude a little childish you called us mods all slow the other day for not moving a post but unfortunatley most off us work and dont get time during the day to move things around DO YOU WORK?
It was aimed at one particular mod m8 whos name need not be mentioned; wasnt aimed at you in the slightest. I do work but on an "on/off" basis so I get alot of time to myself. The mod in question does not work, altho I must admit that there is more to life out there than just this forum...
A bit of advice liam

My advice to you is if you choose to leave then thats upto you , but and this is a big but leave peacefully dont get all bitter and twisted about it, like mickie says you got your forum which im sure can be turned into a good forum with some good members on it, im talking to you as a friend not a mod as you all think we talk down to you we dont as you well know liam, leave on good terms liam then you can always come back dont start a forum war there's been to many off them over the years mate
jimmyp said:
My advice to you is if you choose to leave then thats upto you , but and this is a big but leave peacefully dont get all bitter and twisted about it, like mickie says you got your forum which im sure can be turned into a good forum with some good members on it, im talking to you as a friend not a mod as you all think we talk down to you we dont as you well know liam, leave on good terms liam then you can always come back dont start a forum war there's been to many off them over the years mate

I think thats fair enough :)
Speedy2206 said:
I think thats fair enough :)

Good liam hope too see you around some time mate good luck in your future ventures
thread closed :)

liam i take all your points on board take care with your site and best of luck :)

Mickie D
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