remote access to my dreambox


Inactive User
Aug 31, 2007
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Hi all,
Just wondering what ports etc i have to open to remotely access my dreambox.
Basically the box is in work so when i want to say reboot or ftp a new config to the box how do i access from my laptop in house.
Also whats the command i type into http// is it just my external ip?
You will need to forward you ports on your router so it will be

port 21 to ip address of DM (FTP)
port 80 to ip address of DM (WEB)

just use a ftp program i like fileZilla, type in your ip address of you broaband connection and you should be forwarded to your dreambox.

make sure you change you passwords from the standard

Thanks SiKinn.
am i opening the ports in the router in house or at work or both.
Thanks again
Sorry krazylegs what i mean is my boxes are at work connected to the router there. I want to see and access them remotely from my laptop in house which is connected to obviously a different router.
How do i do
just open up those ports on the router and tell it when a request comes on port 21 forward it to the dreamboxs IP same goes for port 80

you'd need full IT access at work to do this though
just open up those ports on the router and tell it when a request comes on port 21 forward it to the dreamboxs IP same goes for port 80

you'd need full IT access at work to do this though

And those ports may be being used for other things at work (most likely).

Why are your boxes at work?