Refugees get a £1.25m house..and trash it

Just a thought about Advice Centres..........If a White Anglo-Saxon Help Centre was set up would that be racist ?
It's just that there are plenty of Afro-Caribbean, Asian, Somalian, Polish, Chinese, etc, etc Help Centres and none of these are considered racist.
I know this may take the thread to another level but it is part of the cause of some of these cases.

I suppose they could open one mate but they would have fook all to do because when you go to see them the only answer you get is NEXT, and it would be a bloody foreigner dealing with your claim any way. :(
A nice dark moonless night in that street would come in very handy. :Chainsaw:

I do not condone violence.
Mahmoud can fook off I hope thats not his Mercedes in the back ground. :grrrr:

No mahmood drives a Bentley mate. That merc ain't big enough for his 8 wives and 42children and auntie and uncles and cousins.
Seriously tho someone needs to answer for this. I am paying over a grand a month tax and it's going to people who have no regards to this country and it's laws.
We should do what the Australians do.
No mahmood drives a Bentley mate. That merc ain't big enough for his 8 wives and 42children and auntie and uncles and cousins.
Seriously tho someone needs to answer for this. I am paying over a grand a month tax and it's going to people who have no regards to this country and it's laws.
We should do what the Australians do.

You are probably right there mate perhaps the Merc is his youngest kids car its not bad for a starter car to learn in is it?. This is what we need The Dentist. Don't you just love this Woman?.
Australia aims to deport immigrants - World news, News -
Jeez, nip out on a quick job and all this has happened...

...I'll have to get one of those new 'smart' 'phone things :)
Jeez, nip out on a quick job and all this has happened...

...I'll have to get one of those new 'smart' 'phone things :)

You could probably get the contract renovating their house again. Don't worry about getting paid, we'll foot half the bill again!
Just to add to this as it's only fair, some of these people are welcome to the uk it just needs control on who we let in, we need a similar policy to australia that's the way forward.
Just to add to this as it's only fair, some of these people are welcome to the uk it just needs control on who we let in, we need a similar policy to australia that's the way forward.

So if we hide in the Med ocean and wait for them we could sabotage there sailing dinghy's and send them to an Aussie concentration camp where they will be chopped up and fed to the starving and under nourished Kangaroo's. Brilliant mate I feel a plan coming on. :)
simple solution "as told by the old man in the shop today" Refugees... most seek to escape from there country for 1 thing or another
if were not the nearest place to settle.and they come here give them an option.. go to the country nearest to them. or put them on a plane and send them home ... what a great old man he is. but then there's the fecking E.U :(
simple solution "as told by the old man in the shop today" Refugees... most seek to escape from there country for 1 thing or another
if were not the nearest place to settle.and they come here give them an option.. go to the country nearest to them. or put them on a plane and send them home ... what a great old man he is. but then there's the fecking E.U :(

I bet if Boris was Prime Minister he would string them up on a line to rot. A large zip wire back to where they came from speedy. :)
If anyone truely believes these people dont come here for the money you are off your rocker, they pass many many safe havens if they are fleeing for their lifes, many of these countries are nicer than the UK with the exception they dont give you the pot of gold when you turn up.

If i lean towards being labelled a racist i would gladly take and accept that tag to speak up,

A famous man once said " All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal "


@Thommo - the standard response to disagreement is to be labelled...

...if you disagree with summat you can bet that some jumped up, never come down toss-pot will find something to label you with.

They want your argument to be discredited - that's the point - I'll argue anyway.

My limit lies with JUST, as in JUST because they are summat... in Stuart Hazell...not an immigrant, not black, not asian, not muslim...

...not proven, but you take my point?