Racist Jokes - Are they allowed?

Re-read the thread mate and you'll find the punchlines.
re read ? don't you mean read ?

Another one not bothered to read the whole thread
i know u all say bernard manning was a racist
but he told jokes about everybody white,black yellow
and about every religion he told jokes about ageism every thing
so i didnt think of him as a rasict but as a comedian
i know u all say bernard manning was a racist
but he told jokes about everybody white,black yellow
and about every religion he told jokes about ageism every thing
so i didnt think of him as a rasict but as a comedian

He was a racist m8 did you never see the documentry on him a while back. It showed him in his true colours and as far as i remember he admitted to being racist.
this thread has turned into a debate i will move it to rant room

and this isnt a joke
'It was composed by Malcolm X.


When I was born, I was black.
When I grow up, I'm black.
When I'm ill, I'm black.
When I go out in the sun, I'm black.
When I'm cold, I'm black.
When I die, I'm black.

But you -

When you're born, you're pink.
When you grow up, you're white.
When you're ill, you're green.
When you go out in the sun, you go red.
When you're cold, you go blue.
When you die, you're purple.
And you have the nerve to call me coloured?'

good old Malcolm X!!

always loved this poem lol!
'It was composed by Malcolm X.


When I was born, I was black.
When I grow up, I'm black.
When I'm ill, I'm black.
When I go out in the sun, I'm black.
When I'm cold, I'm black.
When I die, I'm black.

But you -

When you're born, you're pink.
When you grow up, you're white.
When you're ill, you're green.
When you go out in the sun, you go red.
When you're cold, you go blue.
When you die, you're purple.
And you have the nerve to call me coloured?'

good old Malcolm X!!

always loved this poem lol!

very good, but who calls black people coloured ? black people are black, white people are white....?
Mas it's people like you and your pc friends that are killing this country, no such this as a racist JOKE because it's just a joke

IMO Racist and joke are contradictory terms.

Racism is not a joke...

Killing the country? I think there are bigger issues facing the country at the moment...

Anyway mate, you have your opinion I have mine, we both entitled to it. Lets leave it at that...:Clap:
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I am a swede-bashing carrot cruncher who lives in somerset, where we all wear smocks and swing on farm gates with straws hanging from our mouths between jugs of cider. But us bumpkins are much better than those thick buggers down the road in the next village and those sheep shaggers over there across the bridge.

All of this type of talk is s fine among friends and equals, and this 'abuse' is normally taken in good part by the rich, successful and those feeling secure. It is offensive to those who are feeling insecure, and those who are treading on eggshells trying to be PC and telling others when to be offended. example -the new shopping centre in Bristol was to be named 'Merchants Quarter' but this was changed because it "was offensive because it glorified the city's historic slave trading past". Being called "coloured" is offensive for the same reason. My black friends thought my suggestion of "The Woodpile" for the new centre was a hoot, BTW...

Sterotyping and poking fun at anyone not in 'our gang' seems to me to be part of human nature. I bet cavemen really did take the piss out of the folks next door (I saw it in the Flintstones -it must be true!) Shakespeare is full of non-PC stuff.. Things are evolving, and even Prince Philip (bloody Greek gobshite) is changing slowly. seems to me that we are fighting a losing battle if we try to edit history and judge it all by the standards of today.
I am a swede-bashing carrot cruncher who lives in somerset, where we all wear smocks and swing on farm gates with straws hanging from our mouths between jugs of cider. But us bumpkins are much better than those thick buggers down the road in the next village and those sheep shaggers over there across the bridge.

All of this type of talk is s fine among friends and equals, and this 'abuse' is normally taken in good part by the rich, successful and those feeling secure. It is offensive to those who are feeling insecure, and those who are treading on eggshells trying to be PC and telling others when to be offended. example -the new shopping centre in Bristol was to be named 'Merchants Quarter' but this was changed because it "was offensive because it glorified the city's historic slave trading past". Being called "coloured" is offensive for the same reason. My black friends thought my suggestion of "The Woodpile" for the new centre was a hoot, BTW...

Sterotyping and poking fun at anyone not in 'our gang' seems to me to be part of human nature. I bet cavemen really did take the piss out of the folks next door (I saw it in the Flintstones -it must be true!) Shakespeare is full of non-PC stuff.. Things are evolving, and even Prince Philip (bloody Greek gobshite) is changing slowly. seems to me that we are fighting a losing battle if we try to edit history and judge it all by the standards of today.
Great post mate, great
think of all the 'racist' things that have been banned or renamed due to having specific words in them, yet they dont do it for white

its pathetic

Yeah I hate it when they change things like that :roflmao:

But on a serious note I do agree we do have double standards in this country
Im to dumb are drunk to even be a racist but i have been called a racist b@stard in the past on sevrel occaisions for stupid things which i know white people wouldnt even take offense i just think black people have issues about the past its nearly the year 2010 forget about it move on I love black women anyway cant wait to dump my misses for a nice big tight geer like the one on my avator mmmmmmm big round and wanting a pound

lmao colour means nothing to me as i cant see straight anyway im always pished
still love smashing pasties though :proud: no matter what colour although I do preffer mixed race like halfcast poonanii
think, the thing is, has it helped relations, between the ethnics, fact of the the matter is everything has got far worse, as having a joke releases any pressures that were, otherwise why do we joke, i feel a bit sorry for them, as now people, especially older peeps, look on all foreigners with suspicion, so go on have a laugh, sod the suspicious,.
I'm racist and admit it and im not ashamed.. i dont get offended by "you white..........."

Imfact no.. im not racist towards blacks, indians..etc etc.. im just against 1 religion specifically..

A joke is a joke we should all remember that.. if someone calls me white and i call them brown that should be even.. but it isnt..
racist jokes from black americans

How many white mendoes it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One, white men will screw anything.

What's the difference between a white man and a snake?
One is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake.

Saturday, October 13. 2007
What did a white guy see when he looked at his family tree?
A straight line!

Why do so many white people get lost skiing?
It's hard to find them in the snow.

What do you call 500,000 white guys jumping out of a plane?

What do you call a white guy who needs to go somewhere across town but does not own an automobile?
A taxi.

Why did the white man cross the road?
Because he needed something that was on the other side of the road.

What do you say when you see a white man carrying a TV?
"Excuse me sir, you dropped your receipt!"

What do you call a mob of white people at the University of Maryland burning down the city?
A Maryland championship.

What do you call a mob of white people in Detriot burning down the city?
A hockey victory.

What do you call a mob of white people in Alabama?
A lynching.

What do you call a bunch of white guys sitting on a bench?

What do you call a white guy on "Jeopardy?"
A contestant.

What did the white guy see when looking at his family tree?
A straight line.

What does a white man do when he is unhappy with our current government decisions?
He writes a letter.

What does a white man do at the club?
Pout while all the colored folk are bumpin' & grindin' with all of his fine white bitches.

What does a white man say when he catches his wife cheating on him?
"I forgive you"

What do you call a white man in court?
The lawyer.

What did the white woman do after she spilled hot coffee on her legs?
File a lawsuit.

How do you stop five white guys from raping a white woman?
Throw them a golf ball.

What do you call a white man in the ghetto?
A victim.

What do you call a white cop?
Police brutality.

Why do white people like to play hockey?
It’s the only other way to beat something black up if they're not a cop.

How did the white boy come out of the grocery store with a six pack?
He walked in and payed for it.

You know what sucks about being white?
Not much, really. I mean, there are starving people in Africa, and all those tsunami victims in Asia...I'd say we're pretty lucky.
Q: What's Orange White and Very Beautiful

Q: What does a white woman make for dinner?
A: Reservations.

Q: What did the white man do before his blood test?
A: He studied.

Why did white people own slaves?
They were not strong enough to pick cotton - weak bastards.

Why cant white men jump?
They were too busy making racist jokes.

A seventy-five year old White guy, his hair was completely white, marries a twenty-two year old girl, and she gets pregnant.

Nine months later, he walks into the Maternity Ward. He says to the nurse, "Well, how'd I do?"

The nurse says: "She had twins."

He says, "Heh, heh, heh...well, I guess that goes to show, that even if there's snow on the roof, there can still be fire in the furnace."

She says, "Well, then you'd better change filters. Both of the babies are black."