Putting on muscle/shape at 30+


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Feb 19, 2011
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So I'm 33 and quite slim, I ant to bulk up my upper body so I have wider shoulders and a bigger chest..how hard is it going to be now that I'm not a young'un
It varies from person to person and whether your testosterone is in decline. A lot of it is down to eating.
The eating bit doesn't work, the food seems to think your shoulders and chest are where your stomach is !

The trick in your 30s is to try and make the rest bigger in relation to your middle and then not worry about making the middle smaller :).
have a look on youtube, there are tons of variations of pull ups and press ups for working upper body and core most which on rely on body weight.
i'm 38 and started training again just under a year ago, train hard and eat right you'll put some size on, i've had to bin all my shirts as they don't fit my arms or chest any more.
i'm finding losing the body fat the hardest as you get older.