Problems with 26 east


Inactive User
Jan 19, 2008
Reaction score
I have invested in a better pole for my 80cm Diseqc motorised set up this weekend, and have been up the ladder to set things back up.

I get good strong reception on all available sats, all the way round from 58w to 53e, except for 26e

To get 26e, i need to go into postioner setup (LT4 image/7025 btw), select a valid transponer and adjust the fine movement 9 steps to the west, and hey presto all services on 26 come in.

The problem is, i can't seem to save these fine tune settings, and when i change sats and then change back to 26 i have to start again.

Is anyone else struggling with 26 on a motorised set up, and can anyone advise me how to save these fine tuning settings?

Many thanks.