Problems installing xp


I have spoken
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Oct 6, 2005
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nr.Cov.... pure n*l
My mate asked me if I would have a look at his pc. Windows wasn't shut down properly was on the screen, trying to use last known good configuration or safe boot just caused the pc to freeze.
There was a slight click audible from the hard drive so I ordered another one and replaced it.
This is when the fun and games started.

I went to install xp and partitioned his drive, formatted C: and proceeded to install. It stopped on copying a number of files and carried on when I pressed enter to retry. Its' done this loads of times now with different discs and trying another cd drive but it doesn't always struggle in the same place. When I have managed to eventually get all the way through it errored on setup and gave me this message.

SXS.DLL: SYNTAX ERROR in manifest or policy file
"D:\1386\asms\100\MSFT\WINDOWS\GDIPLUS\GDIPLUS.MAN" on line 4

ERROR Installation Failed D:\1386\asms. Error Message: A components file does not match the verification information present in the component manifest.

One of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.
I have noticed on the start screen this message.
Bios update data incorrect CPUID=00000F34,00000F34. So may need a bios update but I can't find out which mobo it has, looks like an Asus but haven't found any markings on it yet. Why would it say that in the first place?

Help needed guys..........Chookey
i have had this problem many of times usally it when its an old pc and using under a 1gb processor i also had the probs all the time and thought it was the disc so i moped it with a car buffer and after a few other attemps it worked it could be that there is a scratch that looks ok but the laser cannot read it properly and thats whythe error is caused try making a back up of the disc on another pc and then try it as i think this will prob work let me know how you get on mate and any more probs u can pm me many thanks mr d
i have had this problem many of times usally it when its an old pc and using under a 1gb processor i also had the probs all the time and thought it was the disc so i moped it with a car buffer and after a few other attemps it worked it could be that there is a scratch that looks ok but the laser cannot read it properly and thats whythe error is caused try making a back up of the disc on another pc and then try it as i think this will prob work let me know how you get on mate and any more probs u can pm me many thanks mr d

Tried 3 different discs from different sources and swopped my own drive into it mr d and still no-go. There is definitely a problem but it ain't with the discs or cd drive I'm afraid. Googling the first error, one person pinned it down to a faulty ramstick but I've tried running it on just the one to try and single them out but having the same problem.

I would put money on this being a dirty cd, try cleaning the cd properly.
I just looked on another forum and in 90% of cases it was the cd.

Would be a shame to take it off you aftermath, 2 of the discs are brand new.
@ mr d... the processor is a dual core 3 gig

Thanks for the info in your pms' aftermath. I don't know what good it'll do but gonna try installing the xp onto the new hard drive using my pc. I'll download that GDIPLUS file as well just incase. If nothing else it could rule out the discs and the drive as being at fault.

also load setup defaults then and also in the bios there will be a screen that says plug and play os installed make sure that is set to yes and try again cant see a new hd will sort it as when i had the prob no matter what i tride it didnt work and i went through the cd drives and hds and then when i mopped disc it was sorted
Installed my mates' new hard drive in my pc and installed xp on it no problem. put the hd back in my mates pc and bingo its' up and running again. Haven't got any sound yet but thats' easy enough, internet access cos I'm on it now.
Now I've got it running I can test the ram and will look into a bios update possibly.

What this little exercise has shown is what I knew all along, there was never a problem with the discs or the drive. Been in the repair business too long to overlook the simple things, usually, lol.

: multi : Chookey :banana:
well i cant see what it is mate like i said ive had it on old pcs but never on a new one its unexplained and may never be explained but ive had the same prob before if it helps get a dick blanker there are ones that overwrite the whole disk upto 40 times with zeros it may take a day or so but if you overwrite everything and then format the orig hd then it may possibly fix it there are loads out there that use high security wipes so if there was a virus embedded in the hd then it would hopefully wipe it