Possible exploit found in ps1 game saves!


DW Regular
Nov 21, 2005
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There has been a video posted of some one claiming to be able to boot ps3 backups from dvd. he used RR7 as this is small enough.

Apparently he has been able to use the metal gear solid VR missions disc from the PLAYSTATION 1 to take an in game picture using the camera you get in the game. then save the picture to pc and inject some code into it, then back to the ps3 which then crashes the game and allows him to boot the backup game.

as always, this could be a lot of bull shit, but i will let you guys decide for yourself.

download the video from here

Jack Black

Jack Black in Nacho Libre has hacked the PS3 !!! wonders will never cease!
I got my backups to work!!!

I booted up with an original copy of Motorstorm and then hooked up my rather large fridge freezer to the usb port.

I made sure the PS3 was completely frozen (apart from the bit where you insert the disc) - for this you need a rectangular shape which fits the slot. I made mine out of card!

For this to work you have to make sure the PS3 is frozen at the point it shows the PlayStation 3 logo. My fridge freezer is MEGA FAST at freezing things - It's american!

Once the PS3 is frozen - get yourself a screwdriver and then get the disc out. During this process your original might just get a few minor scratches. don't worry - get the disc re-buffed. it'll work fine after this.

Next force the backup into the drive and then get an electric heater. Plug the heater in (close to your PS3) and then unfreeze the PS3 and wallah! The backup boots perfectly - I'm sure I've posted the video on YouTube!

If this doesn't work first time - try the above steps again but this time use a different original disc!

: asshole